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Historians at work- Adventurers were studying Greek artefacts and trying to find out what they were and what they were used for. Great investigative and observation skills year 6! 

Tag rugby 🏉 Adventurers have been developing their skills over the course of the half term- from throwing and catching to attacking and defending. We will finish the unit with some tag rugby tournaments. Who will be victorious? 

During our Chinese culture day, Adventurers had the opportunity to learn about the great race and the animal that is associated to their birth year. We realised that we were either the year of the horse or snake- some people agreed with their animals’ traits and some really didn’t! Mrs Browne was the year of the ox and she couldn’t disagree with hers! 🇨🇳 


This half term we are investigating the question; why do Hindus try to be good? This week we listened to a Hindu story ‘the man in the well’ that teaches many Hindus lots about being human. First we listened to the story and drew a quick sketch of the key parts to help us retell the story to each other before working together to interpret the symbols in the story and what we thought the story meant and taught Hindus thinking about the Hindu belief in the atman and Brahman. 


This half term in music we have been enjoying listening and appraising musical features in film. We have investigated how music can help bring film to life to convey emotion or action. This week we have looked at different graphic scores representing different audio tracks, we first listened to each track to identify the graphic scores and then began to work together to think of how to display our own graphic scores to match the music, thinking about changes in pitch, different instruments, tempo and dynamics. 

In DT this week Adventurers have been using their knowledge of electric circuits to create rotary movements with motors. They have created fans, planes and art bots that created colourful patterns! 

In geography this week, Adventurers have been learning about different biomes around the world. They have researched one biome in groups and have conducted a market place where information is shared with the whole class! Great geographical work year 6!  

This week, Adventurers have been predicting what might happen in our new text “Holes” by Louis Sachar. We analysed the front cover, blurb and film trailer to see what we could infer about the story line and characters. We can’t wait to get started! 

In art we have been exploring pop art, we have each been given a section of Edward Paolozzi’s Bash to recreate by sketching and collage by adding details in different materials

Adventurers had a special visitor this morning, telling them all about the origins of Father Christmas and his reindeers! It was fascinating! We all received a special gift too 🎁 

Look out for these very impressive Christmas cards coming home very soon… 

Adventurers are participating in their advent TASC activity this afternoon- working collaboratively following a design process. 

During science lessons, Adventurers have been working collaboratively to create their own species with specific adaptations to be able to survive in very different environments from: rocky shores to deserts. We then presented them to the whole class. 

Year 6 led our remembrance assembly today, explaining the importance of the poppy. They then went to the cenotaph to pay our respects by laying our wreath and carrying out a minute silence. 

Half term is finally here…we made it! 
I hope you have a well- deserved rest over the next week, and look forward to seeing you bright-eyed and bushy- tailed ready for an action -packed seconds half of the term! 
it’s going to be a good one.

Remember to learn your lines for our class assembly based on remembrance day on Monday 11th November and your SATS homework deadlines! 
See you on the other side,

Mrs Browne ☺️

Adventurers homework- this week’s task was to create a maths game to support the learning of coordinates! I’m sure you’ll agree we have some very creative ideas!

Adventurers impressive creative writing display, this time, based on creating our own villains! 💫 😈 

In Adventurers, to celebrate European Languages Day, we found out how many countries speak French as their national language and researched famous people from footballers to explorers who are French natives. 

Our homework board is filling up thick and fast! I can’t wait to see more fantastic examples every week! Well done Adventurers! 

Adventurers using their practical knowledge in DT creating lifts, flag poles and transporters using pulley systems and creating their own gears and using gears to create gear trains.

Adventurers analysing pictures from our text “ Brother Eagle, Sister Sky”  referencing the natural world and using figurative language to describe it. 

Adventurers practising their basket ball skills… dribbling and shooting.

A big welcome back to all Adventurers,


I hope you have enjoyed your summer holidays and are ready and raring to go on the first day back- Wednesday 4th September. I can't wait to hear all about your adventures.


Have a look at the year 6 letter below, which highlights things that are going to happen this year and what is expected of you as an Adventurer, a year 6 pupil and the oldest in our school.


I look forward to seeing you all.

Mrs Browne 

Adventurers' Leavers Disco!

Still image for this video

We have been learning about sustainability, creating our own ‘kitchen garden’ layout designs for plants we would grow, thinking about seasonality and optimal growing conditions. Some of us have included water butts, compost piles and included plants to discourage pests and promote pollination 

During maths lessons this week, we will be using all of the our knowledge to solve puzzles and problems.

Adventurers have started the text "Alex Rider, Storm breaker" by Anthony Horowitz.

We have analysed the character of Alex Rider and will be writing a character description about him, as well as creating our spy gadget and explaining how to use it.


Stormbreaker (2006) trailer

Trailer to the Movie Stormbreaker.

Welcome back from the half-term break! We hope you had a restful and enjoyable time, recharging your energy for what promises to be an exciting and action-packed Summer Term 2. This term is particularly special, as it’s our last one together before you embark on the next big adventure: secondary school.

We have a wide range of activities and events lined up to ensure this term is both fun and memorable. 

To help ease the transition to secondary school, we have several events planned that focus on building your confidence and preparing you for the changes ahead. These events include visits from the school nurse, potential secondary school staff, opportunities to ask questions, and activities designed to help you adjust to new routines and expectations. We understand that moving to a new school can be both exciting and a little daunting, so we are committed to supporting you every step of the way.

In addition to these transition activities, we’ve scheduled various fun events to celebrate your achievements and the friendships you’ve built over the years. Sports days, outdoor adventure days, and end-of-term parties are just a few of the highlights you can look forward to.

This term is not just about preparing for the future but also about cherishing the present. Let’s make the most of our time together, support each other, and create lasting memories. We’re excited to see you grow, learn, and thrive during this final term of primary school.

Here’s to an unforgettable Summer Term 2, Year 6! Let’s make it a great one. 


Mrs Browne :) 

We have been investigating colour theory in art and fashion. We have used watercolours to mix primary colours to make secondary and tertiary colours, to display these we have designed a creative colour wheel. It was a very calming atmosphere in class this afternoon.

A big well done to our Adventurers pupils who have successfully completed their SATS tests this week! We are all very proud of your efforts! Now, lets enjoy some yummy cake with your parents to celebrate! :)

Good luck to all of our year 6 pupils sitting their SATS next week.

Have a look at the "Survival" Guide below to be able to keep calm and be able to shine like the stars you are!

A Special Message from Bishop Mark...

Adventurers sprinting into Friday....

Adventurers’ week in pictures...

Adventurers investigating their own questions relating to the function of components in a circuit can be affected. For example the brightness of a bulb.

A sunny day to practise our cricket skills- throwing, catching and bowling! 

A fantastic trip to The Whitworth Art Gallery today! Lots of new learning and even more fun! 

Cross- Curricular learning. Adventures re-creating Aztec pyramids using their historical understanding, alongside their mathematical knowledge of shape and square numbers! 

In R.E. We are learning about Hinduism. We have been exploring Hindu artefacts and looking for clues from Hindu deities to help us understand beliefs held. 

A happy new year to you all and a big welcome back! 

We have started with a bang, with our new text "Holes"- we are all enjoying it already and can't wait to find out what happens to our main character Stanley Yelnats.

Watch this space...

In dance, year 6 are becoming aztec dancers …

they’ve got moves!


In year 6 science, the topic is …


refection! The children have learnt how light travels in a straight line and how to bend light using a mirror.

To start this term, year 6 are practising their amazing hockey skills.


( As you can see they’re already professionals) 

The year 6 class collectively made a town out of KAPLAR planks.




Holes (2003) Trailer

"Dogged by bad luck stemming from an ancient family curse, young Stanley Yelnats (Shia LaBeouf) is sent to Camp Green Lake, a very weird place that's not green and doesn't have a lake.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Adventurers!


See you all on Monday 8th January 2024!

Year 5 & 6 participated in a God and the Big Bang workshop today, investigating the overlapping theories of religion and science! 

Computing this week focused on “nested loops” within algorithms to perform related instructions in order to create different shapes. 

Year 6 working collaboratively, using their knowledge of equivalent fractions to solve puzzles.

Adventurers practising their table tennis skills, working on precision and accuracy of their shots and trying to hit their opponents “spot” for an extra 5 points! 

Adventurers are investigating ‘why some people believe in God and some people not?’ We have interviewed witnesses with different beliefs to help us answer this question, as well as collecting our own evidence from our family and friends.

Adventurers have been learning about the poem written in world war 1 “In Flanders Fields” written by John McCrea a Canadian solder and doctor. We have written our own stanzas, as well as reciting and performing the poem. 🇬🇧 

It’s Adventurers’ homework day! We have seen some fantastic examples of home learning developing our independent study and organisational skills. Some of us wanted to present some of our research too, which was very impressive! Well done Adventurers! 



Adventurers are fast becoming a boomwhacker band. We have been learning to play chords using the boomwhackers, we are starting to anticipate when to play our individual notes in addition to learning the melody to ‘You are my sunshine’. 

This half term in PSHCE is the theme of me and my relationships. Adventurers have been exploring the importance of being assertive and how we can communicate with others whilst standing for ourselves.

We will be starting our new quality text next week in writing lessons, "The Lost Thing". Watch the trailer to get a sneak peek of what it is all about!

The Lost Thing Trailer

In a world of rivets and drabness, a boy befriends a fantastical red creature that appears to be totally lost: based on the writer-director Tan's prize-winning children's book. Directed by Shaun Tan. This film is part of the Sydney Film Festival. June 2-14 2010.

Some examples of persuasive speeches from the point of view of Chief Seattle to stop the wars and for the European settlers to look after the land of the Native Americans.

We have been investigating pulley systems and gear trains in Design Technology. We have been thinking about how they are used everyday and created replica models using everyday materials. 

A big thank you to Mrs Powell and Mrs Hill for helping to create this effective “We are Adventurers” display in the entrance of our classroom. We really thought hard about what it means to be in year 6 and an Adventurer! 
We all aspire to be Amazing, Daring, Versatile, Enthusiastic, Noble, Thoughtful, Unique, Respectful, Energetic and Resilient! 

We will be focusing on basketball in PE this half term. Today we focused on dribbling, throwing and catching. We finished on king of the ring! Who do you think was the king? 🤴🏻🏀

We have used DeBono’s thinking hats to answer the question “What is it like to be an Adventurer?” In a range of different ways! 

What a great start to year 6 and a busy few days from: thinking about our personal dreams, concentrating on how to achieve those dreams using a growth mindset, a team- building floor is lava activity on the climbing frame and lots more! I know this year is going to be a good one and look forward to what’s to come with this fab group of pupils! 

Adventurers let’s go!

Dear Adventurers- old and new,


I hope that you have had an excellent summer, despite the weather. I wish the best of luck to those Adventurers who have left us this year to embark on their own adventures at their new secondary school but am very excited to welcome our new year 6 on Wednesday 6th September.


Year 6 is an amazing year for our pupils but with age comes great responsibility! We have a busy first half term back and I look forward to seeing you all very soon.


Enjoy the last few days of the summer holidays!


Mrs Browne :) 

Adventurers’ Tandle Hill experience

Reflection morning at church focusing on our school values.

We’ve had lots of fun today on an assault course inflatable, we raced each other through the course and worked as a team to guide each other through the route before finishing off the day with a water fight!

This afternoon, we have had a reflective mindfulness session. Creating patterns and cards of thanks for those people that have helped and encouraged us throughout our time at primary school from friends, family, teachers and even pets!

Last week, Adventurers had their very own Cinema Club. They watched Alex Rider- Stormbreaker, which we had been focusing on in writing lessons this half term. Fun was had, whilst eating a range of snacks. 

Over the course of the year we have been adding to our reading area. Including things such as book shout outs, book reviews and interesting quotes that we can keep to use in our own writing.

As SATS results are looming next week... remember whatever they are, you are more than just a score!

You're capable of reaching great heights

No matter what your SATS results are, you are so much more than a test result in English and maths. You are More Than A Score. Please share our film.

Buddy time to end a very energetic sports week!

Sports week has really kicked off to a flying start with team- building games and a handball competition. 
Who will be overall champions? 

Welcome back Adventurers for the final action - packed half term! 
Today we have been discussing hopes for the future at the end of year 6 and beyond. 
We also looked at different symbols of hope from around the world. 

Happy half term Adventurers! 

Well done for working incredibly hard for what has been a very busy half term! 
See you bright and early on Tuesday 6th June. 

Adventurers enjoying Pizza Day and Break the Rules Day! What a treat!

Adventurers set up their own mini Athletics event this week in P.E focusing on their running, jumping and throwing skills that we have developed this half term. We definitely have some future Olympians amongst us! 

Geography TASC Day 


Adventurers are in the process of researching, designing and creating a hall display for the city of Manchester focusing on human and physical features.

look out for our finished 3D skyline! 

Tudor Top Trumps 

Adventurers researched and created their own top trump cards based on the Tudor Monarchs. They then had to consider which of the 5 (6 if you include Lady Jane Grey) Tudors were the most powerful and influential. They had to use supporting evidence to support their answers too.

What a fun-filled and factual history lesson! 

As SATS approaches next week, I wanted to send a message to say keep calm! Try and remember everything you’ve learnt and worked hard towards this year- try your best and use the opportunity to shine! 
Good luck Adventurers! 

A carousel of comprehension- Adventurers have been making their own inferences from our text “Way Home” using evidence from the story to support their ideas based on characters thoughts, feelings and motives for their actions. 
Looking at examples of how authors do it, will ultimately improve our writing! 

Shocking discovery in the grounds of SJT! 

An unexplainable make- shift shelter was discovered by year 6 pupils last week in the grounds of our school. Who is living there? Nobody knows. 
Watch our live at the scene news reports! 

We have been historians today, investigating artefacts from the Ancient Greek era. We made predictions of what the artefacts were and what they may have been used for. 

This half term our value is “belief”.
Adventurers have created postcards to people who have been unjustly imprisoned because of their religious beliefs.

Welcome back Adventurers!


I hope that you have had a great Easter break with family and friends. Now the hard work begins again in preparation for SATS. See Showbie for this half term's homework.

We have lots of other things to look forward to other than SATS and can't wait to get the final term of the year started!










We hope that you all have a fantastic Easter break, eat eggs, relax with friends and family. However, don't forget to do your homework! :) 

See you all on Monday 17th April!

This half term we have been participating in Kwik cricket 🏏 focusing on throwing, catching, bowling and hitting techniques. We had several games today at the end of the unit to demonstrate our skills. 

Have a look at some of this half term’s learning- electricity in science and a range of history and geography topics ranging from North and South America  to the ancient civilisations of Aztecs and Mayans. 

Adventurers creating their own natural dyes by following their own set of instructions, linked to our text Cloth Lullaby. I’m sure you’ll agree, they turned out really well 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 

This week’s Picture News Question…

Should Roald Dahl books be updated for the present day?

This half term our value has been compassion. We have tried to imagine life in someone else’s shoes and how we can show everyone compassion as we don’t always know what other people are going through. 

Conductor or insulator? Adventurers have been making dough to see if it was conductive in a circuit to power an LED light. 


This half term we are investigating Salvation and our question ‘What difference does the resurrection make to Christians?’. We have looked at God’s big story timeline on the big frieze artwork to find where Salvation fits. We have looked for evidence of the resurrection in Luke 24 and created role plays in small groups to highlight the evidence and to explain Christian belief.

The next text that we will be focusing on and basing our writing on is "Cloth Lullaby" it is full of exquisite illustration and tells the story of a little girl's life. We can't wait to get started next week!

This week children have been studying the poem "Night Mail" we have devised our own stanzas which follow the pattern of rhyme, rhythm and the impression of pace as the train moves along its journey delivering mail.

1936 Night Mail - abstract - poem by English poet W. H. Auden

Uploaded by Δημήτρης Μπακιρτζής on 2013-09-01.

Wow! What a busy first week back we have had after the half term break: from Poem writing for our poetree, SATS prep to world book day! It has been an action- packed few days.


Remember that our home work has changed- see Showbie for more information.

What a busy Anti-Racism week we are having from creating art work, t-shirt designs with a message, pupil- led assemblies and a visit from Mr Browne who shared his own experiences we have learnt that it is everyone’s responsibility to stand up and raise awareness.

Year 6 using representations and structures to explain their mathematical thinking on fractions, decimals and percentages.

It’s homework day in Adventurers’ class where children can showcase the hard work that they have done at home to reinforce their learning. We’ve had a range of examples from: role plays, models, interactive games and digital art. There have been lots of rewards earned and we hope you enjoy looking at some of our pieces. 
Well done Adventurers! 🤩

Adventurers’ hall display based on the Mexican poem “A Una Calavera” or “ To the skull” 💀

I think you’d agree that it looks pretty impressive. 
Take a look behind the skulls to reveal children’s own stanzas in the style of the original poem! 

Adventurers a have been looking at different representations and structures to show fractions, decimals and percentages in maths in order to visualise these concepts. 
the children enjoyed jotting their ideas down on acetate on their desks too 😀

We have been investigating electric motors this term in D.T. To help us understand how electric motors work to create a rotary movement we have created art bots, fans and aeroplanes with working propellers. By exploring and making using simple circuits we are developing ‘finger fluency’ and taking design inspiration from existing products to help us generate our own ideas for a moving vehicle. Watch this space!

As part of Children’s Mental Health Week children have been participating in activities related to creating meaningful connections. They have made pledges on things that they are going to try e.g. creating new connections, trying a new activity and/or showing an act of kindness to others. 

We have been learning a Mexican poem this week “A Una Calavera” we have analysed it’s meaning, recited and performed it as a class. In our next lesson we will be creating our own stanzas in the style of the poem and displaying it in the hall for all to see. 

Adventurers have been learning about equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages by playing equivalent dominoes in maths this week.

NSPCC Number Day


Adventurers participating in activities related to online safety and maths this morning, raising money and awareness for the NSPCC. 

Adventurers have enjoyed reading our text “Holes” by Louis Sachar this half term. We have been building up our writing wall with examples of character descriptions, dialogue to advance the action, persuasive advertisements, narratives with flash back and survival guides to inform future camp mates of how to survive a sentence at Camp Green Lake.

we are now watching the film version to compare to the book. 🏜 

We’ve had some very topical conversations over the past couple of weeks in our picture news sessions related to if we waste too much and whether influencers have too much control over our choices. We have had some well thought out responses- ask your child what their opinions are. 

Adventurers have been practicing active listening today in Heartsmart. They were able to identify this involves eye contact, body language and asking questions to the person speaking. We are learning about thinking about others for our topic ‘Too much selfie isn’t healthy’

Adventurers using modelling to show how we see objects and reflected objects. We had lots of scientific discussion about how light travels. 

We have been experimenting with colour to recreate a self portrait canvas in the style of pop artist Andy Warhol’s Marilyn Diptych.

Adventurers have been testing out the hypotheses that light travels in straight lines. They had to design their own investigation to prove or disprove this. 

Because our school reflection value this half term is love, Adventurers wrote prayers and messages of love for others that may need them at this time. 

Today in Geography, Adventurers were market traders, sharing their research of different biomes with each other in a different way. 

Take a look at the next text that we have focusing on in writing this half term… it’s an exciting one! 

Holes (2003) Trailer

"Dogged by bad luck stemming from an ancient family curse, young Stanley Yelnats (Shia LaBeouf) is sent to Camp Green Lake, a very weird place that's not green and doesn't have a lake.

Happy New Year! 

I am really looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow for the first day back of the spring term. It is going to be a busy one so make sure that you are prepared and ready for all of the new learning that you are going to experience!
see you in the morning :)  

What an action- packed first term it has been in year 6!

I wish you all a Merry Christmas and look forward to seeing everyone in the new year ready for a busy spring term.

Christmas Party Day with a special guest...

Still image for this video

After eight challenge! Can you do it?!

Adventurers have been getting their Christmas craft on today, creating their own cards for the festive season. I’ve think that they look very effective. 

Adventurers being naturalists- we have been researching different animals and learning about what features they have in order to survive in their environments! There are some weird and wacky species of animals! 

Take a look at Adventurers’ Autumn 2 homework grid examples… some very impressive pieces! 🤩

Adventurers have a big job in front of them this week…. they have to plan their own Christmas Day! They have thought of their own family dynamics e.g. number of parents and number of children and then rolled a dice to create a budget- ranging from £100-£600. The catalogues are out and they are hard at work like little Christmas elves🌲 I wonder if they can stick to their individual budgets?

Who was Charles Darwin?
Look out for our finished biographies to find out more…

Take a closer look at our Swiss cable cars that we researched, designed and created for our school TASC day. They are now decorating the Christmas tree in the hall 🌲 

We will remember them. 
Well done year 6 on a very reflective class assembly this morning.

Today Adventurers have been reciting the poem “In Flanders Fields” ready for Remembrance Day. 

This week in music we have continued to practise using our Samba instruments to play syncopated rhythms. We have made lots of progress playing as an ensemble and anticipating when to play our individual group rhythms.


Still image for this video

Adventurers have worked hard to organise and retell God’s Big Story using the big freeze artwork and core concept symbols in R.E. They have investigated Old Testament prophecies of the promised Messiah. This half term we will be answering the question; Was Jesus the Messiah?

We have been using their knowledge of pulley systems and gears mechanisms in DT to create their own gear trains and lifts and explain how they work.

Today year 6 have been working together to identify square and prime numbers- we will see what they remember in the next lesson! Do you know why the number 2 is a special number? 

We have finished reading “The Lost Thing” and produced some excellent pieces of writing from character descriptions to recounts. What a fantastic collection of work- well done year 6! 

What a busy half term we have had! Lots to look forward to in autumn 2 so make sure you have a fun but relaxing half term holiday and see you all on Monday 31st October! 😀

This half term Adventurers have been learning about tactics and rules in order to play table tennis. We have learnt different hitting techniques such as: the forehand and backhand push, top and back spin as well as how to serve. This has proven quite tricky but the children have persevered and participated in a doubles tournament. 

Our WOW wall is looking quite full this week with impressive homework and pieces of art. 
Well done Adventurers! 🤩

Wow! Some fantastic examples of homework produced this half term by Adventurers. There have been lots of headteacher’s awards and house points given out today! Well done everyone 🤩

“What we doing?”

”Crucial Crewing!” 
We have learnt a lot about how to keep ourselves safe this afternoon at the crucial crew event.

Andy Warhol inspired pop art work.

What a fantastic STEM day at St.Anne’s Academy today. Year 5 and 6 experienced activities around car engineering, coded computer games and participated in different scientific experiments! We had a great time and learnt lots! Thank you 

Introducing our new writing text.... where do you think the lost thing has come from?

The Lost Thing Trailer

In a world of rivets and drabness, a boy befriends a fantastical red creature that appears to be totally lost: based on the writer-director Tan's prize-winning children's book. Directed by Shaun Tan. This film is part of the Sydney Film Festival. June 2-14 2010.

After learning about the process of fossilisation in science this first half term, Adventurers had the opportunity to create their own trace fossils using natural resources. 

We’ve had a new teacher in Adventurers’ classroom today- Mr Rhodes was verbalising his mathematical understanding of addition methods especially the expanded column method 🤩 

Fantastic examples of writing from Adventurers this week based on our text “Brother Eagle, Sister Sky” from descriptive poems to persuasive speeches in role as Chief Seattle! Lots of Headteachers awards were given out in recognition of everyone’s hard work! 

Some examples of science WOW work this week, focusing on the woolly mammoth and how scientists can gain a lot of information from studying its fossilised remains. Great explanations! 😀

We are learning about Samba music this half term and exploring traditional samba instruments; samba drums, agogo bells, guiros and tambours. We have been practising playing different syncopated rhythms as an ensemble.


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Adventurers have been investigating pulley systems in DT. They have been engineering a simple pulley system to create a flag pole to develop "finger fluency" (practice making something until hands and fingers so things automatically without much thinking) of this design idea. These engineers will be taking inspiration to develop their own aerial tramway over the Autumn term. They also demonstrated our school values of togetherness and perseverance. 

We are investigating the Gospel this half term and exploring the question "What would Jesus do?". One of the many ways Jesus taught his message of how to love and serve God and others was through Parables. We have split into teams to create a bible stand, one group had a sandy foundation whilst the others had a clay foundation. We all showed togetherness by working in a team especially when overcoming challenges with the sandy foundation, although the Bible stand did not withstand the test we all persevered and it helped us to  understand the message that Christians learn from this parable by listening to Jesus' message and building a solid foundation by trusting in God.We are investigating the Gospel this half term and exploring the question "What would Jesus do?". One of the many ways Jesus taught his message of how to love and serve God and others was through Parables. We have split into teams to create a bible stand, one group had a sandy foundation whilst the others had a clay foundation. We all showed togetherness by working in a team especially when overcoming challenges with the sandy foundation, although the Bible stand did not withstand the test we all persevered and it helped us to  understand the message that Christians learn from this parable by listening to Jesus' message and building a solid foundation by trusting in God.

Some fantastic examples of active and collaborative learning this week in Adventurers…

Adventurers have written some heartfelt prayers of thanks for the late Queen’s 70 years of service to our nation. 

As part of our dreams reflection value this half term we focused on Martin Luther King Jnr and his very important dream. We learnt about his life and everything that he stood for against injustice. We then thought about our own dreams, not only for ourselves but also the wider world. 
We definitely have some thoughtful and caring children in year 6! 

We have had a very positive and busy couple of days here in the Adventurers’ Classroom! We have covered a range of things from growth mindset and being the best version of ourselves to thinking in different ways about being in year 6 using De Bono’s Thinking Hats.


I am very impressed with the start we have had and can’t wait for the year ahead! 

Hello Adventurers,


I hope you have all had a fantastic summer break with your family and friends- I can't wait to hear all about your tales on Monday morning :)


I am sure that you will love your final year at primary school- in my opinion, it is the best year!


We have lots of exciting learning coming up and I can't wait to get started. I am also a little nervous as it will be my first day back after maternity leave and my little boy's first full week in nursery. I am sure we will look after each other though.


Get an early night and see you bright eyed and bushy tailed on Monday morning :) 


See you soon,


Mrs Browne x

Goodbye and Good Luck to our class of 2022

What a send off our year 6 leavers had at our church service. It was filled with prize giving, reflections of their time at St. John’s and songs from their production of Mattie. A goodbye song of Sweet Caroline as they left down the tunnel of children. SJT will never forget you! Have a look at the children section of our website under video conferencing for our Year 6 video showing how they have grown!

One of the last jobs for our year 6 children was leaving cheer up jars GIFT group and year 6 made together on the door steps for our local community. We hope the little jars filled with fabulous comments and drawings will bring joy, hope and smiles to the faces of our neighbours!

What a fabulous disco for all our children and to send our year 6 off in style. Down the red carpet wearing their sashes and into the VIP room. Lots of selfies, food, mocktails and dancing with the rest of the school. Thank you to the PTFA for their beautiful balloons!

A Starbucks treat for year 6 and staff from Ilana’s family! What a lovey generous treat on their last day!

What a fabulous afternoon with year 6 children at church reflecting on the school values and how they have helped them to become the children they are today. Eagles were the theme for the activities and we hope our year 6 children soar when they move onto secondary school!

End of year fun with a HUGE Inflatable and Water Fight

Year Six have had a fantastic day on the giant, inflatable assault course! The water fight at the end of the day was thoroughly enjoyed by all (pupils and staff!) and everyone was completely drenched by the end! More memorable moments as we end the penultimate week of Year 6! 

Gods and Godesses Family Tree!

This afternoon, Y6 were investigating the relationship between the Greek Gods and Godesses in the form of a family tree. They worked brilliantly in pairs and were able to communicate effectively to complete the challenge! 

We really enjoyed our visit to Manchester Cathedral for the year 6 leavers service. The focus on faith, hope and trust helped us to think about transition to secondary school. Our school song ‘My Lighthouse’ was played, we held our banner with pride and shared our prayer box! We enjoys Pizza Hut as one of our end of year treats too!

Orienteering Quest

As part of their PE lessons this half term, Adventurers have been furthering their orienteering skills by working together in pairs to find the beacons hidden around the school grounds. They were amazing and  the team work (and competitive personalities) on display was wonderful to see! 

Sports Week Spectacular!

As part of Sports Week, Adventurers have been taking part in various sporting activities across the week to prepare for Sports Day on Thursday! Lots of great team work, resilience and togetherness was on display and many pupils surprised themselves with their newly-discovered talents! 

Adventurers have prepared a beef and meat free bolognese today in DT. They have worked well together to prepare ingredients by using the bridge and claw technique to chop vegetables and have followed their recipe exactly. It was clean plates all round and very tasty too!

Year Orienteering!

Year 6 had a lovely morning at Tandle Hill: they used their skills to follow a map and its various paths to find their way to different landmarks. It was a very hot and sunny day and everyone had a blast! 

Year 6 Leaver’s Hoodies

Year 6 were very pleased with their hoodies this morning! 😀

Magpie Madness! 

This morning we have been reading lots of different non-chronological reports to act as models for our own writing next week. We were inspired by so much amazing vocabulary as we worked in groups to make a word bank for our working wall!

Year 6 Learning By Questions morning!


This week Year 6 have been enjoying completing their maths work on angles using LBQ - an interactive quizzing resource that school have purchased especially for UKS2!


Year Y6 SATs celebration 


This afternoon, grown-ups and their children enjoyed Afternoon Tea at school to celebrate the end of SATs. The whole class gave it their all and made us very proud for their perseverance and belief - two of our values! A special thank you goes to Miss Robertson for providing the delicious treats! 😋

SATs revision on the playground!


Don’t tell Miss Robertson but Year 6 have been revising on the playground in preparation for their SATs next week! 🙈 🤫

A very tricky Spelling morning!


Mrs. Howarth came into class this morning for the first round of our school Spelling Bee. The winner of which will take part in the Rochdale Spelling Bee next term! 


Mr Barnes couldn’t help providing some tricky spellings for April 1st! 

Blorskee: I lost my blorskee

Tangateen: I eat my spaghetti with a tangateen

Speekuzslmn: Look! There’s a spekuzslmn (silent letters)

Wazamata: Wazamata with you? 

Slipert: Be careful when you're sleeping there might be a slipert in your house

Chchch: The horse was angry so I said chchch

Rol-aska-tox: Rol-aska-tox was surprised when jinx took the crown

Speenuch: My favourite food is speenuch and artichoke dip

Shabolaskp: Be careful you do not catch shabolaskp (more silent letters)

GÜRRR: My friend told me a secret and I said GÜRRR


Y6 SATs Preparation


This morning Year 6 had a go at a SATs arithmetic paper in the hall just like they will do next half term. We’re very proud of how well we did and look forward to showing what we’ve learnt! 

Exploring common features between newspapers! 

Year 6 have been exploring First News articles to identify common features and words or phrases to magpie for their own writing! 

The Missing Mona Lisa Masterpiece Mystery! 

Today Y6 were shocked to arrive in school this morning to learn that the Mona Lisa masterpiece in our classroom had been stolen! They will be working closely with Louvre employees, police detectives and the local Parisian public to write newspaper reports on this shocking event! 


Year 5 & 6 at St. Anne’s Academy


Year 5 and 6 were kindly invited to a local high school today to watch their students performing an Aladdin Pantomime. The children greatly enjoyed watching this, joining in with songs and having great fun! Afterwards, they were given lessons by some of the school’s own teachers in state-of-the-art facilities. 

E-Safety Morning!

This morning we have had a visit from our partners at Global Policing who have spoken to Year 6 about Cyber Bullying! We watched a video of a pupil named Joe who was a victim of cyber bullying and this prompted a class discussion around S-T-O-P - our school definition of bullying which means several times on purpose. 


Tie-dying triumph!


This morning Adventurers have been having a go at tie-dying fabric! Keep your eyes on the blog as we will be writing a set of instructions on this very soon! 

Wonderful Science! 

This afternoon we have had great fun looking at what happens to a bulb when we increase and decrease the voltage. We also looked at what happens when the voltage is shared by two bulbs. 

Editing their writing.


After writing excellent diary entries inspired by Cloth Lullaby, Year 6 have been editing their texts this morning using add, take away and replace as modelled by Tom Palmer! 

What was the ‘Silk Road’ of the Ancient Islamic civilisation and why was it important? 

Year 6 were using atlases this afternoon to locate Baghdad and explore why the ‘Silk Road’ was an important trading route! They traded lots of different things from tortoise shell to perfume and cinnamon! 

Using concrete materials to form algebraic expressions

Year 6 have been exploring forming algebraic expressions this morning!

The ancient Inca citadel of Machu Picchu 

In geography this afternoon, Year 6 explored a variety of maps at different scales to locate the ancient Inca citadel of Machu Picchu. This QR quest really brought out their competitive side! 

Code-cracking collaboration! 

Adventurers worked furiously to crack the Allied and Axis encrypted messages as they began their new coding topic in computing this afternoon. You could hear a pin drop as they worked in teams to try and stop the invasion! 

World Book Day!


As part of the national World Book Day celebrations, Adventurers began their morning with a ‘Book Tasting’ carousel. Each pupil sampled a literary starter, main, dessert and side dish. After, they completed a book review for one of their favourite books. 

Ancient Greek Myths 

Adventurers have been reading their favourite Greek Myths and legends and explaining why they think each one was significant for the people of the time. Each one came with a morale to live by and we explained how significant we felt each one was for that time and the present day. 

Adventurers have been writing newspaper reports linked to Holes!

Adventurers have been practising their French pronunciation

We focused upon key graphemes like 'oi' and silent letter endings. Tres bien!

Year 6 have been classifying dolly mixtures in science.

Year 6 have been working in groups to research how biomes are affected by human processes!

Bar Model Problem Solving!

This week Adventurers have been busy learning about a wide range of topics. From decimals to designing a webpage and setting descriptions to science where we explored key scientific vocabulary like vertebrate, invertebrate and nutrition - what a jam-packed week it has been! 


Wishing you all a restful weekend, 


Mr. Barnes-Moran 




Year 6 Bikeability!

Year 6 have been having loads of fun today with their bikeability instructors! 

This just a quick message to say thank you to all the children, staff and families who have made me feel so welcome in my first week at St. John's. Having worked in Middleton schools for the majority of my career, I knew of the excellent reputation of this fantastic school and am incredibly proud to be filling in for Mrs. Browne during her maternity leave. I look forward to getting to know all the children and their families over the next two terms! Best wishes, Mr. Barnes-Moran

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and happy new year! 
Also, a big thank you for all of your generous gifts both for myself and baby boy Browne- we have been extremely spoilt. 
I wish each and everyone of you a successful time in year 6 and hope to see you before you leave in the summer.
Enjoy every minute of it as it is the best time! 

Best wishes,

Mrs Browne x 

Our last few days of the Autumn term were fun- packed with a visit from Father Christmas, as well as the dancing elf! We are very lucky and had lots of fun! 

Adventurers have participated in gymnastics sessions this half term with Edstart focusing on jumping, balancing and sequences.

Happy 1st December! 

As pat of our TASC Day, Adventurers designed their own Christmas decoration made from recyclable materials which could hang on our very own chandelier. We chose the hymn “ We Three Kings” and themed our decorations around it. 
I am sure that you will agree, it is very effective and makes our corridors feel very festive! 

Year 6 hard at work during assessment week, preparing for SATS and developing their test technique. Everyone is trying their best but we can learn from our mistakes and get ready for the real thing in the summer term.

Adventurers watched the role- play “Crossing the line” exposing the truths around County Lines. This was a very important topic for the children to be made aware of and their responses were both mature and responsible. We are very proud of our year 6 pupils.

Lest We Forget- Today Adventurers went to place their wreath as a mark of respect for Remembrance Day. We recited the poem "Flanders Field" and read out some examples of our own stanzas. Take a look at the video resource centre to see more.

Using problem- solving and reasoning skills to find equivalent fractions.

African Drum Performance

Still image for this video



See our Harvest rap performance on the video resource centre section of the web-site.

What is a prime number?


Adventurers identifying prime numbers from 1-100, through lots of mathematical reasoning in partners.


"Why is 17 a prime number?"

"Because it only has 2 factors- 1 and itself!"


"Why is 2 a special prime number?"

"Because it is even!"


Square Number Bashing

Still image for this video
Adventurers have been learning their square numbers by using the square number bashing songs- we even made it up to 20 sqaured!

We had a visit from our very own Fairy God Mum today! We designed our own school value mural for our new entrance hall- we can't wait to show you the finished design.

Adventurers have re-created Eduardo Paolozzi's famous "Bash" piece of art work. I am sure that you will agree it looks pretty effective!

What a great time Adventurers had playing with their buddies this afternoon, teaching them games and joining in with their interests. It was great to see!

The Lost Thing 2010

This will be Adventurers' next text that we will focus on before half term. Can you recognise the underlying key messages?

Adventurers have written their own persuasive speeches from the point of view of Chief Seattle this week, they have used their powers of persuasion to ensure that the Native American's land is preserved and nurtured for future generations.

Welcome to Adventurers!

Still image for this video
Have a sneak peek of our brand new classroom via this video. It also tells parents the expectations for year 6 and how you can support your child over the course of the year. Please feel free to pause the video to read the key messages.

We have been working extremely hard over the last two weeks in Adventurers class and are doing a fantastic job at settling into year 6. It is challenging at times, but with the right mind-set we can persevere and achieve great things! :) 

Brother Eagle Sister Sky

Our first class text this year is Brother Eagle, Sister Sky. We will be focusing on figurative language and how it paints a picture in our mind's eye. We will be planning and writing our own descriptive poems, as well as persuasive speeches from the point of view of Chief Seattle himself!

Welcome Adventurers' parents! Please read the following information so your child is prepared for class each day. Also note that our PE days are Monday and Tuesday so please send your child into school wearing their PE kit on these days.

Get a head start on this half term's homework grid...



Staff have been in school today working hard to prepare for your arrival on Monday morning. We can't wait to get the year started- hopefully with a bit more sense of normal than what we have been used to over the past 18 months.


In my opinion, Year 6 is the best year at primary school- I am sure that you will soon agree :)


I look forward to seeing you bright-eyed and bushy- tailed on Monday morning via the bottom gate!


Look out for updates of our brand spanking new classroom :)


See you soon,


Mrs Browne x

Wow! What a bust last few days! From treks to Tandle Hill, Awards Ceremonies, Inflatable assault courses and much more- we certainly went out on a high! :) It has been nice to spend the last few days of the children's primary school career together doing lots of fun activities and celebrating their time at St. John's. I am immensely proud of each and everyone of them for individual reasons.


A special thank you to parents for your support especially over the last 18 months as we have navigated as best we can through these unfamiliar times. Also, for the lovely gifts and messages- they were very much appreciated and as I am sure the children will tell you did bring a tear to my eye.


All that remains for me to say that I hope that you all have a well- deserved break over the summer holidays and re-charge your batteries ready for the next stage in your educational journeys.


I wish you the best of luck- do me proud!



Mrs Browne x

Last day treat...a big thank you to Mrs Robertson- they were delicious!

Our Year 6 Sash Ceremony...

Adventures are busy writing down their memories from their time at St. John's. We can't wait to share them with you all on the celebration day next week.

Take a sneak peek of the final homework grid for the summer term- remember to post any finished pieces onto the Showbie or you can request a paper copy if needed. 


Deadline is Monday 19th July! :)

Welcome back for an exciting final summer half term!


Our English focus will be on Anthony Horowitz's famous spy novel "Alex Rider- Storm breaker"- it's going to be exciting, intense and nail- biting- I can't wait to get started!

Stormbreaker (2006) trailer

Trailer to the Movie Stormbreaker.

What a busy, action- packed half term Adventurers have had! We have wrote several quality pieces of writing based on our text "Way Home", learnt about forces and how they affect fairground rides in science, started to do a huge project on our transition to high school, learnt about a variety of historical events- both locally and world- wide with many forest school Wednesdays in between. 


The last part of the summer term will be just as exciting as we prepare for our summer production and take part in lots of Leavers' celebrations! July 21st will soon be upon us, so we hope to enjoy the time we have together while we can. :)


Have a lovely half term and I look forward to seeing you on Monday 7th June! :) 

Please take a look at a selection of Adventurers' homework- from work related to fairground rides to homelessness they have worked hard this half term...

Science Week


Adventurers have followed the theme of "Innovating for the Future." Following the TASC process and using STEM skills we have designed and created prototypes of Robo- bugs suited to different purposes.


Pupils had to decide what the "Robo- bugs" mission would be, based on what their own scientific knowledge and understanding of insects. 


As an additional task, pupils had to introduce their creations in 50 words or less.


We have had a fun, yet informative science week in Adventurers' class this week and I can see that we have some budding scientists, engineers and technicians in the making! :) 



We have the best day participating in Number day in aid of the NSPCC. We have done a range of activities from Beat the Dice, Who wants to be a Mathionaire, TTRockstars time and an Addition Hunt using our outside space.

The children and I have had a fun day enhancing our mathematical skills but also learning more about the NSPCC and the work that they do.


A big thank you for everyone who was able to donate- it is definitely a worthy cause! :) 

Super Scientists:


Adventurers are currently members of a development team for a new theme park called "Force-land" we are investigating how forces and friction affect the different rides. This week we looked at how a bungee jump works and investigated different questions such as- Does the weight affect how far the elastic stretches?


We had some interesting results! :) 

Summer homework is up! Take a look and choose your activities for this half term! :)

We have been investigating the importance of colour in fashion and how experimenting with colour choices can influence us psychologically. For example blue is known to be a calming and loyal colour which is why you usually find police uniforms in America to be blue! Purple is associated as a colour originated to royalty and the extremely wealthy due to it's difficulty to process. Did you know that Cleopatra needed 20,000 snails soaked for ten days to obtain one ounce of purple dye for her royal clothing!! for this reason purple clothing is signifies luxury, wealth and sophistication.  
To investigate colour further we were tasked to create a colour wheel experimenting with primary colours to create secondary and tertiary colours. We have displayed our colour wheels in a creative way, which I am sure you agree we have all achieved using mythical beasts, angels, eyes and creative patterns as inspiration.

Hot off the press...

Adventurers have made a shocking discovery in the school grounds this looks like someone has been sleeping here over night?!! We have been investigating the clues and performed our very own version of "at the scene" news reports. We will keep you updated of our findings!

Today, Adventurers have started a transition programme in preparation for high school called "Be Awesome, Go Big!" We will do this for the whole of the summer term to prepare our year 6 pupils as much as possible for their next step.


Today we have been focused on "Being Awesome" reflecting on their own attitudes to school and learning and who they would like to be in secondary school- all of year 6 were very mature and we had very open discussions around this.


I look forward to the next session about "Unlocking our Minds" ! :) 


This is the work booklet that we will be working through, once completed pupils will bring them home to discuss with parents before starting their designated secondary schools.

Adventurers are all set to start this half term's text- "Way Home" by Libby Hawthorn. We have created the back drop, based on our own interpretation of the front cover, ready to fill with all of our wonderful work!


Keep an eye out for updates...

Adventurers have taken part in their first Project Chameleon session today ran by Global Policing.

We have already learnt a lot of information related to our rules and laws and have received our very own booklet, which we will work through in the coming weeks.


We look forward to next week! :)

Hi Adventurers!


Welcome back to school and the Summer term- this term is always a very busy one for a year 6 pupil so I hope that you are organised, ready and raring to go!


See you all tomorrow- in your P.E kit !


Mrs Browne :) 

As the end of term draws closer, all that is left for me to say is I hope that you all have a peaceful and well- rested Easter break....see you all on Monday 19th April! :)

This past week, Adventurers have also worked together to achieve 250 and 300 dojo points and a pizza party! Therefore, this afternoon, children have made individual pizzas with toppings of their choice- all in a very sanitized environment! All washed down with a milkshake and a cakey treat!


Adventurers have worked really hard during what has turned out to be a very challenging year. We like to reward and recognise hard work and hope that the children realise that hard work does pay off! 


We are now aiming for more dojos after the Easter break, which will go towards the Year 6 celebrations in the summer! Wish us luck! :)

It's homework day in Adventurers class- well done everyone for completing it in time with not as much time to do it in. I have enjoyed looking at your homework books and the activities that you chose to do!

Adventurers have been designing and creating their own Easter Cards today...look out for their Forest School inspired Easter Craft on Wednesday too! :)

As part of Adventurers' Class reward system in class, individually children have to collect as many dojo points as possible, to work towards a whole class total. Dojos are earned by the children for many different reasons associated to behaviour, effort, excellence, following our school values and rules, homework etc. At the beginning of the year in September, the children decided on the amount of dojos and what reward they would like. They came up with ideas such as: extra play time, non- uniform days and sports afternoons. 


During lockdown, children earned 150 dojo points collectively, therefore, they were rewarded with a games afternoon today. Children had lots of fun playing table- tennis, Uno, Ludo, Chess and other board games. It was a lovely treat as we approach the end of term :) 


Keep up the hard work Adventurers!

Adventurers took part in the St. John's Thornham Doubles Table-Tennis Championships this afternoon.

It was a close tournament but we had three pairs on the podium receiving gold, silver and bronze awards!

Everyone who took part did  fantastic job and it was clear that their skills had improved over the last few weeks :) 

Adventurers have been working in groups to add their own section of the Sea Shanty Dance... we hope you like our finished performance :) 

The game is on... Adventurers are focusing on table- tennis in P.E for the rest of this half- term. They have been learning rules and tactics as well as different hitting techniques. We look forward to crown our table- tennis champions at the end of the half - term! :)

All of Adventurers were awarded stars of the week this week, as the whole class have produced some fantastic work and even fit in a new dance routine and some treats for Mother's Day!


It has been brilliant to have everybody back together again and they have all been a pleasure to teach- long may it continue! :)


We hope you all have a relaxing and well- deserved Mother's Day Weekend! 

St. John's Sea Shanty Dance

Still image for this video
A snippet of year 6 learning the sea shanty dance routine with Coach Josie from Edstart! We had a fantastic time! :)

Have a peek at Spring 2 Homework Grid- either accessible via Showbie or a paper copy in your red homework book! Deadline is Monday 29th March ready for our homework showcase! :)

Hi Adventurers,


We made it! :) 

A massive well done to those children who have continued their learning at home since Christmas, you have impressed me with your work ethic and organisational skills and produced work of a good standard- all of these skills will stand you in good stead for high school in September.


Also a big thank you goes out to those parents who have supported their children with this, as well as continuing to work themselves, whether that be at home or in the work place- I know what it is like, it is definitely not an easy task!


I very much look forward to welcoming you all back on Monday 8th March to continue your year 6 journey, we still have lots to do!


In the mean time, try and get yourselves up to date with all learning tasks on the Showbie app so we can start a fresh altogether next week!


Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Browne x

Hi Adventurers,


Please see this week's (and hopefully) the last week's remote learning grid!

Remember to make your toilet roll book character ready for the showcase on Thursday at 2.30pm- all details in the World Book Day folder on Showbie.


You have done so well with your remote learning- make sure everything is up to date ready for you coming back to school on Monday 8th March! I am really looking forward to seeing you all :)


See you soon,

Mrs Browne x

Calling all crafty Adventurers,


Next week (Thursday 4th March) is World Book Day- why not create your very own book character out of a toilet roll?! See the examples below for inspiration!


We will do a show case of our creations, via zoom, at 2.30pm on Thursday 4th March (look out for details on Showbie) where we will also be listening to a story read by yours truly :) 


Happy crafting!


Mrs Browne

Welcome back Adventurers!


I hope that you've had a great half term and were able to enjoy a well- earned rest. Hopefully we will be able to return to school and be back in class together soon. In the mean time take a look at this week's remote learning grid and the activities on Showbie. Remember to take lots of breaks and come back to something if you've not quite got it first time- don't worry we will look at it when we are back in school.


You all did such a fantastic job before half term- I know that you can carry on for a little while longer! :)


Take care.


Mrs Browne 

It's nearly half term....take the time to re-charge and relax, ready for remote learning from the 22nd February! :)

Take a look at the last remote learning grid before half term- we are nearly there- you are all doing a fantastic job! Keep up the hard work Adventurers and see you at the quiz on Friday! :)

See you at the quiz on Friday :) (link posted on Thursday via Showbie)

Hi Adventurers!


Please see below our next week's remote learning grid of activities- you have all been working hard so far, I am very proud of your efforts. I am sure that we can carry on for the next two weeks until half term... yes half term is nearly here! :) 


Make sure that you complete the tasks for each day and don't forget about the Fancy Dress Friday quiz at 2.30pm- it was great to see some of you last week!


I hope you are all keeping safe and well,


Mrs Browne x

Good morning Adventurers!


I hope everyone is safe and well.


Please see week 3's time- table  of remote learning activities and make sure that you read the tasks, questions carefully to ensure that you are completing them properly. Also ensure that you answer in full, punctuated sentences and in as much detail as is required for year 6 level work.


Happy Learning :) 


Take care,


Mrs Browne x



Take a minute to listen to James- Dean's version of a Bacharach Anorack tune!

Take a read of some examples of excellent story writing based on the mysterious Madame Zeroni... same stimulus, different perspective! Well done girls :)

Our Remote Learning Gallery- Lets see what everybody else has been up to...

Hello Adventurers,


Have a look at the "Week 2 Remote Learning Grid", most things are on Showbie, but please use the time- table to organise your learning for each day to try and keep up with it. Let me know if are not going to be posting daily as some activities may take you longer than others. Don't worry- just drop me a message via Showbie! Like last week, try your best to get all activities completed before the following Monday so that you can start a fresh!


We had a fantastic week last week so I am hoping for the same this week. I am very proud of your efforts during these challenging times! 


Stay safe, keep smiling and happy learning:) 

Mrs Browne x

You've got to be in it to win it! Good luck! :)

Here we go Adventurers- our first official week of Remote Learning starting on Monday 11th January 2021!


Please look at the below time-table for what you are expected to complete each day. We appreciate that everybody's home circumstances are different so have not set fixed times for anything to be completed by , however I will be logging into Showbie on a daily  basis and monitoring who is keeping up with the learning tasks. Also I will be on hand to answer any questions/ queries that anybody may have.


You will see on Showbie that some activities are "locked" that means that you do not have to complete them at that time, keep referring to the time-table as activities will be "unlocked" for completion on a daily basis. Anything still unlocked means that a member of the class is yet to complete it.


Make sure that you try your best to complete as many learning tasks as possible.

Overall, I have been impressed with the work that the majority of you have produced over the course of the last few days and how quickly and efficiently that you engaged with our new Showbie app!


Good luck and keep up the good work,


Keep smiling :) 

Mrs Browne x

Dear Adventurers,


So sorry to not be able to see you for the next few weeks due to another lockdown! :( 

However, do not fret.... I will be uploading activities for you to continue with your learning on Showbie and on the class blog.


For the next few days, I have already uploaded some activities to refresh your memory of how to use Showbie and present your work. Have a go at these and familiarise yourself again.


Next week there will be a full time-table of activities that you are expected to attempt and send into me via Showbie- We have been working so hard up until this point so I am keen to continue with the progress and new learning that we were doing.


I am looking forward to see what you create/ find out along the way.


I hope you all stay safe,

goodbye for now,


Take care,

Mrs Browne x

To all Adventurers and their families, 


We have finally made it to the end of term! Year 6 have had an action packed few weeks and overall have impressed me with their resilience in such challenging times. They have settled back into school life fantastically well and I am looking forward to what we can achieve in the new year. 


All that is left for me to say is I hope you all have a Merry and peaceful Christmas with your loved ones and look forward to seeing you on Monday 4th January, well rested and ready for the next term.


Best Wishes, 

Mrs Browne x 

Please go to the Video Resource Centre under the Children's tab to see our performance of the


The Children had lots of fun creating their own parody to the original 12 Days of Christmas!

More Homework Examples...

It's Adventurers' Homework Day... we've had some excellent pieces! More to follow!

Christmas TASC Day 2020


Adventurers were set the task of creating "match box" gifts for a loved one. They designed and created their very own designs- some are very creative. Here is a selection...


This week children have been focusing on the poem "In Flanders Fields" in honor of Remembrance Day on 11th day of the 11th month. We will be reciting the poem and adding our own stanza... look out for the videos next week!

Take a step into Victorian Britain and extend your historical knowledge of the time...

Our first writing task will be a biography focusing on the life of Charles Darwin- have a look at the power points below as a source of research to inform your writing.

Autumn 2 homework grid- Children will be issued with the new homework grid on Friday in their books, but why not get ahead start this week?

Hi Everyone!


I hope everyone is enjoying a well deserved half term! 

Please look at our Harvest videos that Adventurers prepared independently- from raps to prayers we had a fun time celebrating Harvest and giving thanks to God. (The role-play will be uploaded shortly.)


I look forward to seeing you all in our "new" classroom next week :) 


Take care,

Mrs Browne


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Adventurers have been learning about pop art with Miss Ireland this week... I am sure that you would agree that they look really effective!

Today in maths, Adventurers were doing a lot of mathematical verbal reasoning and using apparatus to solve place value questions. Great work Year 6!

Please click on this half term's homework grid- remember the deadline is the Friday we break up for half term!

Take a peek at Adventurers' class letter to parents- Happy Weekend Everyone!

Adventurers started their 12 week "Well Being through Sport" programme today with Edstart, learning about important life-skills. We can't wait for the next session!

Adventurers have been creating potion recipes for a successful year in year 6! There have been some very imaginative ideas.

Here's one of our recipe examples... isn't it creative?!

In school we are focusing on developing healthy minds through lots of wonderful picture books. Our assemblies and lessons for the first two weeks will focus on these books which will help us to think about our thoughts, our busy minds, our feelings and how to deal with our emotions when we are feeling worried, sad, cross or anxious! As you do not have the books at home we have shared the links below so you can listen as someone reads it to you. Listen carefully to the words in the book and enjoy the lovely illustrations. When you do come back to school you will be able to see all the books on the display in the school hall with lots of things to help you to think about the messages the books are giving us!



Hi Adventurers!


I hope you have all had a great summer even through these strange times!

I look forward to welcoming you back into year 6 on THURSDAY 3RD SEPTEMBER through the old front door. I am sure that your parents and carers have gone through the letters from Mrs Hunter telling you all of the little changes that we have had to put into place to ensure that we can open to everyone again. Try not to worry as I will go through everything on the first two days back.


Mrs Williams and Miss Ireland will also be working with us throughout the week.


We can't wait to see you all and have a fun- filled year of learning for your final year at St. John's! :) 


See you Thursday,


Mrs Browne x

Have a sneak peak of our Adventurers' classroom...