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Spring Term

During Spring Term Adventurers have been learning about an imaginary scenario where a plane has crashed and what they can do to survive in the wild. For mental health week we looked at the basic needs of humans to survive, not just physically but mentally as well. We had a number of items that we had to narrow down and put the remaining items in order of importance to survival.


Over the weeks of the spring term the children have learned a number of secure but easily removable knots and how to build a low A-shape shelter. We have been learning how to make and read a compass from found materials in our scenario and have created a treasure hunt for the other groups using the directions. We have been practicing fire-lighting and what we need to keep ourselves warm, as well as dry.


Over the next few weeks the builders will be setting up the site ready for the new build to commence. Please have a look at the plans by clicking on the About Us tab on this website or coming into school to see the large plans on display! We are so exciting about the new facilities we will have!