All schools have a duty to be accessible and inclusive for the children within their community. It is our job to support parents in providing the best possible education for children. For the vast majority of children that will be through attending their local mainstream school. For a small number of children their needs may be better met at an alternative setting. In those circumstances we have a role to support parents in identifying and accessing what is best for their child.
All teachers at St. John’s CE Primary School are teachers of children with SEND. We believe that all children should be equally valued in school. We will strive to eliminate prejudice and discrimination, and to develop an environment where all children can flourish and feel safe. St. John’s CE Primary School is committed to inclusion. Part of the school’s strategic planning for improvement is to develop cultures, policies and practices that include all learners. We aim to engender a sense of community and belonging, and to offer new opportunities to learners who may have experienced previous difficulties. This does not mean that we will treat all learners in the same way, but that we will respond to learners in ways which take account of their varied life experiences and needs
The SEND Policy below describes the way we meet the needs of children who experience barriers to their learning, which may relate to sensory or physical impairment, learning difficulties or emotional or social development, or may relate to factors in their environment, including the learning environment they experience in school. We recognise that pupils learn at different rates and that there are many factors affecting achievement, including ability, emotional state, age and maturity. We believe that many children, at some time in their school career, may experience difficulties which affect their learning, and we recognise that these may be long or short term. The policy also describes the four waves of learning here at St. John's which details how we support the learning of all our children at wave 1. It also details the interventions at Wave 2 which can be used to provide intensive time scaled support to close the gap and explain how children at wave 3 and 4 may need additional support from other agencies or highly skilled professionals to provide additional guidance/strategies or a personalised curriculum.
The Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCo) is : Mrs Rebecca Hunter (Head teacher) who supports staff in providing the best provision for children on the SEND register at St. John's. The Governor with responsibility for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities is: Mrs Dawn Garrity. Please do contact us if you would like any further information about SEND at St. John's or have any questions about provision for a children with a SEND- we will be happy to help.
Rochdale's Local Offer
Under the new legislation of the Families Bill 2014, every local authority has to display their offer of Special Needs Provision and services available. The Local Offer Report is the Local Authorities’ way of providing parents with information about how children with additional needs are provided for in Rochdale.
St. John's SEND Offer
St. John’s CE School is an inclusive school that welcomes and celebrates diversity. We recognise that EVERY child has the opportunity to be successful with their learning and they can achieve their very best. We ensure that all pupils are included in all aspects of learning and school life throughout our school. It is our aim to meet the needs of all children through high quality teaching with clear differentiation. From time to time some children may require extra support, that is different from or additional to that provided for all children, to help meet their needs. At all stages both the children and their families will be updated with the progress they are making. Our offer is reviewed each year to ensure we are meeting the needs of the children on our SEND register ensuring that resources are deployed to make sure our SEND children access our learning environments, learn through the appropriate curriculum and make good progress.