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Storytime and Mindfulness

Story time and Mindfulness Club for KS1 children is a fantastic place for children to develop socially and emotionally. They will also develop their concentration and confidence too!

Miss. Callaghan says- 


"Story time is to encourage children to adopt a love for reading and show them the endless activities than can be done around a book! Children will be read to and will be encouraged to join in and once the story has finished will then complete an activity which will be craft based.

"Mindfulness builds resilience by giving children skills to help them to cope with everyday challenges as well as engage more fully with themselves and the world. The children will participate in yoga and will do some mindfulness colouring! "

Over the next few weeks the builders will be setting up the site ready for the new build to commence. Please have a look at the plans by clicking on the About Us tab on this website or coming into school to see the large plans on display! We are so exciting about the new facilities we will have!