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EYFS Curriculum- Reception (the first year in school)

The Foundation Stage extends from birth to the end of the Reception year. Entry into our school is at the beginning of the school year in which a child turns five. The Foundation Stage is important in its own right as it prepares children for later schooling.


At St. John’s CE Primary School we follow the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage and support children through the Development Matters statements. Our school ethos underpins everything we do in EYFS and beyond.


Intent- Our aims of education and overarching curriculum design here at St. John’s-

Why we do what we do!


Implementation- Our curriculum and what we offer our children-

What we do and how we do it!


Impact- Has our intent impacted on our learners?

Does what we do make a difference to our children?



Have a look below at the Characteristics of Effective Learning and the key principles of teaching in EYFS as well as the areas of learning your children will work on this year.  Development matters is the document our staff use to support children's learning and development, by closely matching what they provide to a child's current needs. It shows what milestones children should meet from birth to 5. The Early Learning Goals are the expectation for what a child should be able to do at the end of their year in Reception class at school- some children do well and exceed this!


To find out about how we teach phonics, early reading and writing click on the link below. It will give you lots of information as well as website links to find out more about Read Write Inc teaching and learning.

School Readiness at St John's

 If you have any questions regarding the curriculum we teach please contact the school directly. 
The Christmas Festivities have begun with lots of additional activities and events for our children to experience! Don't forget to check the Autumn dates for things happening in school time and after school too!