A School Development Plan is written every year to support the learning journey of the school and enable us to support and develop all aspects of school life, from teaching and learning to behaviour and welfare, as well as improving the resources available to teachers and children whilst continuing to maintain and improve the school building and site.
A variety of documentation is used to support this plan-
The previous OFSTED Inspection Report, the previous SIAMs Inspection report, the school’s self-evaluation [SEF], in-school assessment and target setting information, reports from the School Improvement Personnel, staff appraisal/performance management, stakeholder’s questionnaires and the need to address local and national initiatives.
The School Development Plan (SDP) is an overview of priorities which identify what the Headteacher, SLT, staff and governors have discussed, prioritised and budgeted for. For each of the objectives identified an action plan is created by senior leaders and/or curriculum coordinators which unpicks each objective into set actions with a nominated lead and time scale added. These action plans are regularly reviewed and RAG rated to ensure they are on track to be met.
Here are the Key Priorities for this years School Development Plan (SDP) -
Key Priorities 2024-2025