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Board Games Club

Games club - Summer 2022/2023

Games club - Spring term 2022/2023

Key stage 2 children have been enjoying playing different board games together. They have shown our school values of togetherness, patience and respect towards each other as well as lots of fun, laughter and love. It is lovely to see team spirit and encouragement as well as high strategy thinking in an intense game of chess. 

We have recently introduced a new lunch time club for our children to spend some of their social time playing board games with their friends. It has been a big success so far, children have been learning how to play new games they have not played before as well as some classics. We have been demonstrating the importance of taking turns and sharing as well as celebrating when someone else wins. Some of our older key stage 1 children have taken on the role of helping our youngest members to understand rules and showing them how to have fun.   

Games Club - Spring 2 Term - We have been focusing on our school value of togetherness

Games Club - Spring Term 2021-22

Happy Summer! School closes on Tuesday 23rd July and re-opens on Wednesday 4th September! Be on time, school starts at five to nine! Make sure you follow us on Twitter or look at the gallery and Whole School Learning sections of the website under the children's tab to find out about school life at St. John's.