Our art curriculum at St. John’s provides time and space for children to develop skills and techniques using different materials, learning from and about a range of modern and historical artists, craft makers, designers and architects as well as having the opportunity to develop their own creativity. The learning through our art teaching enables children to develop personal judgement; discussing and presenting differing viewpoints whilst promoting diversity. Our youngest children are given opportunities to explore their ideas by experimenting, inventing and creating their own varied works of art using a range of materials. The content of the art curriculum in Key Stages 1 and 2 encourages respect for different cultures allowing children to develop an intercultural understanding of the world around them opening up new and diverse opportunities.
The document below explains the three I's- Intent, Implementation and Impact for Art here at St. John's.
Intent- Our aims of education and overarching curriculum design here at St. John’s- Why we do what we do!
Implementation- Our curriculum and what we offer our children- What we do and how we do it!
Impact- Has our intent impacted on our learners? Does what we do make a difference to our children?