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Lighthouse Crew

The group known as The Lighthouse Crew, consists of six children chosen from Years four and five. Their purpose is to help to shine the message of God through His Son Jesus Christ who is The Light of the World. The group has been created to involve children in the planning and delivery of worship. The Lighthouse Crew act of collective worship is on Wednesday afternoon when all the staff are working in school and can share the worship time.

A group of children are chosen from volunteers each term. These children meet on a weekly basis with Miss Ireland to share ideas and plan the worship. The group collect prayers from each classroom’s reflection area and they select appropriate prayers to be read out in the worship each week. These prayers are then stuck in a whole school prayer collection book that is displayed in the lobby and at the end of the year taken to Church.

During the worship time children are given a ribbon to pray for something personal to them and to tie on the outdoor reflection area at playtime.

The Lighthouse Crew follow a theme each half term based on a Christian value linked to Mrs Hunter’s half termly value. The crew also teach new songs from the Sing Out songbook with a CD relevant to the value, and fun videos are used linking to the value of the half term.

Different children are chosen to play instruments during the worship time and lots of actions are included to make it interactive. The Lighthouse Crew have their own t-shirts to wear for their act of collective worship and if the crew take part in activities out of school e.g. Macmillan coffee morning at church, they can wear them then.

“I am The Light of the world, whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the Light of Life.”  John 8:12


We have led collective worship introducing the half term value of hope, we have acted out stories of Paul’s many journeys where he needed to show hope and reflected on why it can be difficult to show hope and reflected on our own lives where we have shown this value. We enjoyed learning a new song together and sharing our whole school jelly baby prayers.

This half term our school value is love. The lighthouse crew have been really busy thinking of a story that showed this value to share with the school. They chose the story of Jesus washing his disciples feet and shared this story through a play to inspire all children to think of others and what acts of love they could do throughout the week. We enjoyed singing My lighthouse together as well as sharing prayers and presenting children whose prayers were shared with a coloured ribbon to add to our school outdoor reflection prayer cross.

Our half term value is patience. The lighthouse crew planned an assembly to retell a story they have learnt previously in R.E. about Corrie Ten Boom. They acted out her story and linked her actions to our school value. We shared our school prayers with each child receiving a coloured ribbon linked to their type of jelly baby prayer. The lighthouse crew helped to place these ribbons on our new willow cross reflective area.

This week our Lighthouse crew have led worship focusing on prayer, how and why people pray to God. The. Children have all worked together in their house teams to focus on our school focused jelly baby prayers; Suzy sorry, Wendy worry, Thea thanks and Andy ask. 

Meet our new Lighthouse crew. They have worked hard to create and present a collective worship on our school value of respect. They shared a story from the Bible; Daniel and the lions and how this showed respect to God and how we can use this story to help us to show respect to God and others. They enjoyed showing our new reception children a school favourite song “My Lighthouse” and leading a prayer they had created as well as sharing the prayers created throughout school. 

The lighthouse crew delivered collective worship on Lent, they explained the importance this time of year is and is a time to focus on God just like Jesus did in the desert. We played a game to help us to focus and competed in a staring competition as well as singing a new song, our chocolate favourite ‘my lighthouse’ and shared children’s jelly baby prayers. 

Look at some of the Collective Worship the group have planned together and led

Our Lighthouse Crew have enjoyed teaching the children a new song in worship today~ Give it all you got! The song talks about us being proud to be part of St John’s School, learning together and having fun! The rap is very fast!

Our Lighthouse Crew led Collective Worship in a different way today. Their focus was on prayer and the children took part in a workshop in their house families to look at the four different ways we can pray to God. Have a look at our prayer Jelly Babies!

The lighthouse crew has introduced and led their assembly in collective worship on our school half term value of love. They have created an assembly demonstrating how we can show love to each other and how God shows he loves us. They have chosen some school favourite songs; I lift my hands up and My Lighthouse to sing collectively and led a special prayer to remind us the importance and power of showing love to one another.

The new lighthouse crew have worked really hard to plan their own assembly reflecting our school value of dreams. They have shared their own dreams with the whole school during their collective worship, written a prayer to reflect this value, chosen a fun song to sing and play instruments to as well as leading one of our favourite school songs My Lighthouse. They have been dedicated in their role by planning this assembly themselves during a lunch time and practising how to deliver to the rest of the school. They have all been amazing, giving lots of energy and enthusiasm throughout creating a fun assembly to share to the whole school. They have made us very proud indeed.


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My Lighthouse song is a firm favourite song to sing during Lighthouse Crew’s collective worship

We have a new Lighthouse Crew who led their first Collective Worship today. They helped us to think about migration. We sang a celebration song to celebrate children who have migrated to different places around the world and the contributions, cultures and values they bring.

Lighthouse Crew led Collective Worship today with a focus of advent. They told us about the significance of the five candles and sung a song to help us remember that advent is a time for waiting. We are looking forward to celebrating the birth of Jesus.

Our New Lighthouse team lead Collective Worship this morning. After working collaboratively with other church schools young people’s groups they created a wonderful PowerPoint about difference, chose a really effective video and led whole school prayers. Well done, we can't wait for your next one!

Open Day for potential new reception admission 2025 is on Thursday November 7th. Please phone school to confirm if you would like to attend at 10am or 2pm. Make sure you follow us on Twitter or look at the gallery and Whole School Learning sections of the website under the children's tab to find out about school life at St. John's.