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It’s the Springhill Hospice Reindeer run. We warmed up in the hall dancing to Christmas songs before we set off on our laps of the school field. It was wet and cold and tricky to run in wellies but we did it finishing with a dance off in the playground!

Discoverers have been learning about Christmas and been thinking it is a time to take care of others. They have researched charities and have decided to do a reversed advent calendar for Rochdale Foodbank. They would like us to put in action our values of love and togetherness. We sent a huge box of donations to the charity. Thank you so much for your generosity.

A community coffee morning in aid of Macmillan was held today at Smalley Hall. What a wonderful atmosphere and delicious cakes. Our year 6 children served cakes, sold raffle tickets and manned the gift stall! Let’s hope we have raised lots of money!

Thank you for sending in all your 1p and 2p coins which we have used to create our amazing Coin Snake in the main corridor. Paula from MIND held a special assembly and asked the children to discuss how they would like the £55.00 raised to be used.

Look at us wearing numbers for NSPCC Rocks. We took part in lots of fun number activities today, including using maths calculation games, problem solving and writing number questions to answers. In Collective Worship this week we have looked at the amazing work of the NSPCC! Well done for raising £96.50

Wow what a fabulous turn out for coffee morning. Thank you for all your lovely donations of homemade and bought cakes. It was great to have so many parents, grandparents and people from church attending. Thanks to those who also had a cake away.

Springy Frog Walk

As part of our sports week we have taken part in a Springy Frog Walk to fundraise for Springhill Hospice which has been a very special place for lots of our families and staff. We had lots of funny frog walks and dances! The children enjoyed wearing their froggy ears and bow ties. Wow you raised £2343 pounds and we are still collecting. That is so amazing for a local charity. Well done! Springy the frog joined us at our leavers service and we presented him with the big cheque!

Comic Relief 2022

Thanks to all the children who wore something Red today & to all those who bought a Red Nose for Red Nose Day 2022! At least 75p goes to Comic Relief to help transform lives in the UK and internationally. This includes funding organisations that are supporting people right now in Ukraine, and those attempting to cross the border. Your help and kindness can change lives.

We’ve raised £174 (it includes £6 from the St John’s Guides)

Well done everyone!

Raising Funds for Ukraine

St. John’s sends love and hope to the people from and living in the Ukraine. We created a wall of hope with messages and prayers written on sunflowers. We have also added yellow hearts containing prayers to our love tree! We are thinking of you and stand with you!

Thank you for wearing something blue/yellow for the First News Ukraine Schools Appeal for the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) & to those of you who kindly donated. We raised £102.00!

NSPCC Number Day 2022

The children had lots of fun engaging in Maths activities throughout the day. They wore numbers on their faces, clothes and in their hair. Thank you for all your donations for the NSPCC. We raised £166 to support this worthy cause! Children were also involved with NSPCC Number Day  TT Rock stars competition.

Some of our children did extremely well. 

The result were as follows:

           7th Jasmine  26 points

           6th Adam     67 points

           5th Harry C   69 points

           4th Raea      238 points

           3rd Lucinda  314 points

           2nd Edward  376 points

& finally......the winner is ……

            1st Roary     672 points

Well done Roary!

You’re our NSPCC Rockstar!

The Lighthouse Christmas Project

Well done to our school for your kind toy donations to the GIFT group appeal to support The Lighthouse Project Christmas toy Appeal. Well done to GIFT group for your fabulous posters and to Mrs. Abbott for taking them to the projects headquarters!

Children's Society

We all looked super festive in our Christmas Jumpers today for Official Christmas Jumper Day 2021! The most magical one EVER! Well done for bringing in your donations. We raised over £65!


Harvest Food Donations to Oldham Foodbank

Wow what a wonderful amount of food you have gifted to the food bank. Your generous donations will help out lots of people and families who need a little support. You are living out our school value showing compassion towards others.




Dear Mrs Hunter and the pupils of St John's C.E.(Thornham) Primary School


I would like to thank you all very much for the amazing donation of food for the Oldham Foodbank. I am certain that you all worked very hard to help in any way you could. You will be happy to know that the total weight of all the items you donated came to the grand total of 106.45 KG. A huge response! Your donations will ensure that the most vulnerable people in our community will have something to eat.


I wish you all continued good health,


With all good wishes,

Yours sincerely


Father Tom Davis SSC

Chair of Trustees


Oldham Foodbank

Unit B

Prince of Wales Industrial Units


Oldham OL1 4ER

0161 622 1061




Thank you very much for all the donations you have made via ParentPay (this goes direct to NSPCC)for this annual “fun”draising event which is a day full of fun maths based activities in aid of the children’s charity NSPCC. Thanks to all the children for “Dressing Up for Digits”!

 “It was Maths but not as you know it” and your donations raised a number crunching £105.00.

Well done everyone!


Thank you for all wearing red on Wednesday for our Wear Something Red for Remembrance Day; our school was filled with “poppies'. We hoped you saw our Remembrance wreath which was decorated with the plastic bottle poppies that the children made. Thank you for all your donations which we will send to the British Legion Poppy Appeal; we raised £104.00. During Collective Worship the children listened to the “Last Post” and learnt about the soldiers during the war from all backgrounds & cultures; “We will remember them”.


It's maths, but not as you know it! School has registered for and will be taking part in the NSPCC Number Day 2020 on Friday 7th February. Since it launched 20 years ago, over 3,500 schools have got involved with Number Day and raised nearly £2 million and this money has been used to protect children from harm. We will be joining thousands of schools for a mega maths-inspired fundraising day and raise money for the NSPCC. We’d love you to donate £1.00. Being maths maverick will help raise money towards the fight for every childhood. Join us in celebrating 20 years of Number Day! 


Thank you to all those who donated for the NSPCC Number Day! The £47.00 you raised will used to protect children from harm.  We joined thousands of schools for a mega maths-inspired fundraising day. The children were involved in “multiple” number crunching activities throughout the day! They have taken part in extra maths challenges, games & fun activities and enjoyed having their faces painted with numbers too.


Children are welcome to wear their Christmas Jumpers  with their uniform for the Official Christmas Jumper Day in aid of Save the Children Charity. Please send in £1 donation which will help children in the UK and around the world. We have a goal of £50.00 on our totaliser but we wbut we would love to raise more so please support this cause!pport this cause!


In school we are always looking for ways to help others and last year we supported Key 103 Mission Christmas by donating Christmas Presents but we would like to do something a little different this year. We want to create an advent calendar that we can put something into every day instead of taking something out.  This is a ‘reverse advent calendar’.


Reverse advent calendars work by you filling them every day with items of food that can then be taken to a food bank to help those less fortunate that are struggling at Christmas time. Each day over advent we will have a numbered box on the lobby step and you can donate a food item which can then be sent to Rochdale Food Bank. You may wish to donate an item every day, every other day or once a week- you can donate as often as you can. It would be great to know that each day we will have a selection of food to send to the food bank which will make a difference to the lives of families in Middleton and Rochdale.


We took 4 boxes full of cupboard basics and Christmas treats as well as some packages to local families! Your compassion towards others is amazing!


Thanks to everyone who sent in their collection candles at the end of last term. By filling them with all your loose change, you managed to raise £143.72 for the Children’s Society.

We have today received this lovely message from St John’s Church which I am thrilled to share with you all:

“We have banked the money raised at the Christingle Service and sent a cheque to The Children Society to the value of £143.72. Please thank the children and all those concerned for their hard work in collecting the funds and taking part in the service.  “

Thank you so much for all your kind donations. Thanks to Jean Bramall, our school Governor and member of the Church PCC who counted the money and sent the donation to The Children’s Society on our behalf.



We are joining the campaign to share the Christmas Story and love these calendars as

they are eco-friendly as well as sharing the true story of Christmas, plus they contain

yummy chocolate! The calendars are £3.99 each and contain-

  • Christmas Story Advent Calendar
  • Fair Trade palm oil free chocolates
  • Donation to charity
  • Free 24 page Christmas Story activity book
  • Recyclable box and tray

If you would like to order a calendar, please look for it in your ParentPay account- you can purchase as many as you would like, so ask your friends and families too. 


We wore our spots and Pudsey accessories for Children in Need today. We all took part in Joe Wicks’ Big Morning Move too; have a look at us being active together whilst thinking about others and their needs.

Thanks to those children who made a donation for Children in Need 2019 – you raised £50.01!


Mrs Purser has knitted some wonderful poppies to sell for the British Legion Poppy Appeal. They are lovely and there are even some sparkly ones. They are available to buy in the lobby area. n the lobby for a donation. Thank you.


Thank you to all those parent/carers who attended today’s Harvest Service at church.

Thank you also for all the generous donations for the Rochdale/Heywood & Middleton Foodbank, in conjunction with St John’s Thornham Church. If you still wish to donate you can take items to the Church Harvest Service on Sunday 20th October.


Thank you to all the children & staff who wore something yellow on Thursday for #Hello Yellow to support and raise awareness of children and young people’s mental health on World Mental Health Day. We had some very bright items worn with their uniform! We had a whole school assembly which focused on having a healthy body and a healthy mind too! #HelloYellow

HITs Radio Mission Christmas

Thank you to everyone who bought an extra Christmas present for the HITs radio Mission Christmas appeal. Mission Christmas is all about bringing children in poverty across Greater Manchester some Christmas spirit at a time when they need it most. Organisations across Manchester have nominated children who they know will not have a present under their tree this Christmas. I am so pleased that St. John’s could be involved in this appeal and be part of spreading Christmas cheer across Manchester.

Save the Children- Christmas jumper day

Thanks to everyone who wore their Christmas Jumpers for the Official Christmas Jumper Day in aid of Save the Children Charity today. Your donations raised £46. 50 to help children in the UK and around the world. We did have a goal of £100.00 on our totaliser which could pay for a school library in Rwanda so if you have not sent your donation in yet please do so we

can meet our target!


This year, The Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal marks the end of the WW1 centenary by saying Thank You to all who served, sacrificed and changed our world. From Monday 6th November, we will be selling Poppy Appeal 2018 poppies and associated merchandise at School. Children will be able to purchase poppies and/or these items (items priced at 50p to £1.00) at morning break. Poppies will be on general sale in the lobby for a donation.



Thank you to all the Parents/carers who attended this service today. We hope you enjoyed our harvest celebrations. Your kind donations will be sent to Rochdale Foodbank in conjunction with St John’s Thornham Church. 


DISCOVERERS CLASS (ONLY) – ADOPTION OF OUR TIGER – FUNDRAISING- WED 10TH OCTOBER 2018 you to parents/carers of Discoverers Class children for attending the Forest School session with your children and for all your kind donations for our yummy homemade soup; we hope you all enjoyed the afternoon. Thanks also for all the loose change to fill our “Tiger Feet”. You helped us raise £ 100 to go towards the cost of adopting our very own tiger, Alyona!

The children are very excited about meeting Alyona at Blackpool Zoo on Wednesday!!

Over the next few weeks the builders will be setting up the site ready for the new build to commence. Please have a look at the plans by clicking on the About Us tab on this website or coming into school to see the large plans on display! We are so exciting about the new facilities we will have!