This week we planned a fair test based on an enquiry looking at what features make planes fly the best. For this we used post it planning considering all the variables we could change and those we could measure. Each group changed only 1 variable such as the size of the plane or the weight before carrying out the investigation to try and answer the enquiry.
For our transportation topic we made links with Rochdale and looked at the canal, its uses and the towns it runs through. We talked about the history of it and how it has changed over the years before creating a map of the course it takes.
This week we are focusing on writing a recount based on our writing text Cloud Tea Monkeys. To help get ready we looked at the presentation and language features.
Our last lesson on handball before moving to lacrosse saw us combining all our skills and using them within small friendly matches.
Our History lesson this week involved using our knowledge and understanding of Iron Age hill forts to create our own models. We represented the ramparts and ditches through using papier-mâché before adding fences using matchsticks.
Science this week looked at friction between different surfaces. Inventors explored various surfaces around school to explore how or if they affected friction. Children were able to conclude rougher surfaces have more friction than the smoother surfaces and the force of friction acts in the opposite direction which cause slowing of objects.
To support our writing for this week we had a go of tea tasting. First, we looked at the appearance -some being murky whilst others reddish in colour. Next, we explored the aroma and whether they were fresh, earthy or floral. Finally, we got to taste each one- some nicer than others. Each had a differing flavour- nutty, pungent or zesty.
For music we were introduced to body percussion. First we listened to a piece of music -a choir using their body to make the sound of rain- to see if we could identify any particular instruments. After a couple of listens, we watched the video to see how the choir made each sound through their body before giving it a go as a whole class- layering up the sounds to support the climax of the rain.
Our PSHE lesson focused on being assertive. First we discussed what assertiveness is and what it means. We then used this knowledge to act out a scenario between two friends where one friend was being assertive to another. From this we identified ways in which you can be assertive through physical actions as well as words.
For our geography this week we delved further into transportation in cities. We used our knowledge of different modes of transport and the advantages and disadvantages of each to create our own city with transport links. We created a key to represent the different modes and added labels to identify the areas of the city.
Inventors Christmas Cornet Concert
This half term we have been learning to play the mini cornet by Mr Murtagh at Rochdale Music Service. We have learnt to name the different parts of the instrument and how to correctly play different notes and followed musical notation. We have really enjoyed learning to play the mini cornet, you can view our Christmas concert by accessing the video resource centre (part of the drop down on the Children’s section of the website).
this half term we have focused on Islam, we have been learning about what is important to a Muslim and where they get their guidance for living. This week we have explored the importance
of the holy texts and some of the commandments Muslims follow. We have created a role play of situations where it might be difficult to follow these and using a freeze-frame we have narrated what the person is thinking and their decision making process.
We set up a fair test in science this week to find out where best to dry our washing. We choose three places around school - outside under shelter in the holly bush, outside in the open on the muga and then inside the classroom next to the window. We made our predictions before recording our results. There was a clear winner (inside in the classroom) but we found this is dependent upon the weather. It would be interesting to see how the test would fair during the summer months 🤔
French this week year 5 looked at expanding their description of the Main Street through including direction such as on the left (a gauche) and on the right (a driote).
This year for our Christmas TASC we created Christmas tree decorations focusing on the advent. The children split off into groups of 4 to work together and create designs that linked with quotes for the advent.
This week Inventors have explored the changing states of some materials observing how adding heat can alter their states of matter.
Inventors have created some amazing addition and subtraction games for their homework which we all shared and had a turn at playing to test our knowledge. It was great fun. Thank you for all your hard work in creating these and well done.
This week we combined all our skills learnt over previous lessons to create our prototype playhouses. We found it wasn’t as easy as first seemed and therefore had to make some slight adaptations.
This week in PE Inventors have been introduced to aerobic fitness. We have focused on correct form, posture and technique through completing a number of reps of each exercise. We talked about the muscle groups they target as well as the benefits of participating in this type of exercise.
Welcome back to Autumn term 2.
This week Inventors have enjoyed an author session with the talented Joseph Coelho. Joe told us all about his new book Relic Hamilton, Genie Hunter. He talked us through his inspirations and the process of writing.
Take a look at our amazing setting descriptions based on our book Lost Happy Endings. In the book there is a magic pen which the character uses to write her own happy ending on the night sky. For our setting description we used our own magic pens to describe the forest in the story.
As part of our RE topic we invited a visitor to talk to us about their beliefs. As a humanist our visitor believed in a golden rule -to treat everyone as we would like to be treated- which all humanists follow throughout their life. They like to celebrate being human, what humans can do and that they can be happy. We learnt that they don’t believe in a higher power nor do they believe in an afterlife. It is their belief that we have only one life and we need to live this life the fullest, with kindness whilst following the golden rule.
Our first creative write in Inventors based on the book Inside the Villains. Using the book for inspiration the children chose their favourite villain from familiar stories and created a character description. We had a variety of Villains being brought to life from the White Witch to Gru.
We looked at different insects such as butterflies, praying mantis and ladybugs. After researching each stage we created posters in groups to display our knowledge. We noticed that some insects go through complete metamorphosis, such as butterflies, whilst others go through incomplete metamorphosis like the praying mantis.
This week in history we looked at Romans and how they have influenced and impacted our lives in Britain. We found out that we owe a lot to the Romans as without them and their revolutionary inventions Britain wouldn’t look as it does today. Did you know the Romans brought currency to our country? And where would we be without Latin?
Our DT lesson today looked at CAD (computer-aided design) and CAM (computer-aided manufacturing). We had a play around with publisher to create nets for 3D shapes
For National Poetry Day inventors rehearsed and performed the very noisy poem Ning Nang Nong. Take a look at our performance.
For this weeks history lesson we learnt about the influential Rochdale Pioneers. We found out about their principles and used these to create our own Co-operative.
we have been learning to play the mini cornet by Mr Murtagh from Rochdale Music Service. We have progressed a long way from learning to blow into the mouthpiece correctly to learning to read musical notation and performing a song ‘Rocketships’ as a band!
For our geography lesson this week we looked at types of clouds - cumulus, stratus and cirrus. We looked at the identifying factors of each cloud and where in the atmosphere they can be found.
Inventors have looked at the reproductive parts of flowering plants through dissecting 3 different kinds of flowers. They were able to identify the pistil and stamen.
Collaborating together to build towers out of newspapers. We had to use many skills to compete the task including listening to each other and showing respect to other people’s opinions and advice.
In history this week we have looked at Stone Age tools and weapons. We focused on the jobs they were used for and which period of Stone Age they were from - Palaeolithic, Mesolithic, or Neolithic- before discussing why the tools and weapons changed and adapted.
Welcome back to a new school year at St John’s Thornham. It has been fantastic seeing all of our Inventors children back in class and hearing about what they have been up to over Summer. Thank you for returning with such wonderful energy and positivity towards learning. This week has all been about settling back in and getting to know the routines and expectations of Inventors and what a week it has been!
I look forward to teaching you all this year and watching you grow and thrive.
Below is our class newsletter with some information about this term and what to expect.
This week in at we made our own planets using textiles. We used coloured wool and lots of PVA glue to make patterns and create a unique planet using the inspiration of artist Robert McCall.
We had lots of fun on inflatables day!
This week in writing we have started to look at comparing the film - How to train your dragon- to the book.
This week we used the original painting of the Abbey by Canaletto to inspire their own versions. Using rulers and water paints Inventors have done a amazing job
A fantastic sports week for Inventors this week. Amazing team work and participation all round. Well done
We have had lots of fun exploring the genre of pop music through the music of ABBA, we have listened to different songs and compared these songs using musical vocabulary. We have practiced performing Mama Mia together and learning to read musical notation and sheet music to play the instrumental section of our performance on the recorder.
This half term we have been exploring the impact of Pentecost. We have a good understanding of the story of Pentecost and been investigating the belief of the Holy Spirit and the impact this had during Pentecost and in the wider world today for Christians and people with different beliefs. We have created art work to represent our views on why the Holy Spirit is important in the world today.
Today in PSHE the year 4s looked at the term influence and what it means. We discussed how people around us can influence the decisions we make, which can be bad or good. Then we went on to talk about the consequences these decisions we make can have.
Exploring our new book Tom’s Midnight Garden and thinking how best to describe the main character Tom. We used dictionaries and Google to help widen our vocabulary and find the words to best suit his personality and actions.
We have had a fantastic trip to Jodrell Bank exploring space and our universe. We have learnt lots more exciting facts about space to help with our science topic. What a wonderfully intriguing world we live in with much more to explore
Look at our fruit salad solar systems. We looked at the sizes of each planet and compared them to help find the best fruit that would represent them. We then needed to make sure the planets were in the correct order in relation to distance from the sun.
Today we have learnt about internet safety and how to keep ourself safe whilst online. We talked about keeping our passwords safe and what to do if something happens whilst online and using different apps.
We have looked at the work of Sonia Delaunay and her geometric shapes to inspire our creations. First we created bold lines and designs with a range of colours using pastels. Once we have each created a square of geometric patterns we combined them on a cube to create a sculpture of our artwork.
This half term we are learning about the Kingdom of God, investigating the key question; when Jesus left, what was the impact of Pentecost? This week children have been gathering all their prior learning of this special event and the Holy Spirit to understand the impact this has on Christians today and how they live their lives in their church communities because of this belief.
Inventors made a visit to explorers this week to have a quick stroke of the ducklings before they left.
A fantastic outing today to Tandle Hills with half of Inventors (year 4). It was a bit of a hike but we all made it and Inventors even had enough energy to complete some team building exercises where they communicated and listened excellently in their groups.
Welcome back! What a week it has been. Inventors have had a fantastic first week back from rock kids to swimming to linked levers.
This week we complete our DT project. We designed, prepared, made and tasted our chunky vegetable soup. Safe to say it was delicious!
Finding the hunk and chunk to help with working out division questions.
Cakes and shakes for the winning house points teams.
Take a look at this terms fantastic homework! I have enjoyed looking at an hearing all about the children’s creative pieces. Well done Inventors 👏
Based around the story of Jamil and his Clever Cat we created a chandelier to illustrate what the story was about and celebrate the Indian culture from which the story originates. We used bright colours and partners to recreate the scenes and characters as well as a little bit of weaving.
Welcome back! We have had a fantastic first week back in inventors class. We started looking at our new book The Tin Forest for which we created a job advert for a forest/rubbish collector to help the dear old man with his jobs. The children wrote some very persuasive adverts with appealing benefits (I’m even tempted myself).
We followed this with looking at world maps, in particular how the world is divided up using invisible lines know as equator, meridian, longitude and latitude. We demonstrated our understanding through drawing the lines on balloons and exploring atlases to locate countries using the degrees of longitude and latitude.
Finally, we started our new science topic ‘sound’ and explored how or why we hear things. Using different materials and experiments we were able to recognise vibrations are key to our hearing. I wonder what else we can find out in the coming lessons?
We have been exploring how mountains are formed through mini experiments. The 3 main mountains are fold, block and volcanic.
In maths this week we have been looking out finding the area of shapes. We explored the different ways to work it out using multi links to help find the easiest methods.
Another success, busy week of learning. This week we have practised finding the perimeter of shapes and even challenged ourselves working out missing sides before then finding the perimeters. In computing we continue to look at scratch and programming. We practiced how to change programmes and command the sprites to move in different ways. Finally, we had a visitor from Rochdale Council to tell us all about recycling and how we can help protect our precious planet. Did you know that you should only put plastics that are bottle shaped in your recycling bins? Watch out for some recycling warriors 💪
In R.E. we have been investigating Diwali and its impact on Hindus in Britain today. We have watched videos of celebrations in Leicester and in India then worked together to look at pictures of Diwali celebrations discussing which we thought were the most important aspects and why. In music we have been enjoying the genre of rap music, we have been learning a rap song called stop about anti bullying. We have been composing our own rap lyrics for a verse of the song, thinking carefully about the message we want to convey.
A fantastic afternoon meeting a range of animals from Zoo2u. We learnt so much about the animals and their habitats as part of our science topic.
In PE we have been learning traditional Greek dancing. So far we have learnt the Hasapiko and the sirtaki. The hasapiko is danced in a line with up to 12 steps that repeat throughout, which can make it a little difficult whereas the sirtaki only has 6 steps but the pace changes throughout which makes it harder to keep up with. Great effort with both 👏
This week we have looked at the artist Julie Perrot. Her space artwork is truly mesmerising so we decided to create our own version as a whole class. Each one of us chose an aspect of space to recreate using foam tiles. We drew our designs/planets onto the tiles and then printed them into the ‘universe’. We had to be careful to ensure the planets were in proportion of each other but I think you will agree this looks fantastic.we are hoping to use this for the backdrop of one of our displays!
This week we are going on an adventure to far away lands that we thought only existed in books as we follow our character, Sally, as she flys to places unknown to many. All because she believes and dares to dream 😊
Welcome back! It’s been a fantastic first week back. Inventors have worked exceptionally hard, creating lots of imaginative work related the to The Magic Box poem. It was amazing to hear their ideas of what they would put inside their magic boxes. We have also had the excitement of working together as not just class teams but also as a whole school team to create a magnificent piece of structural art. Take a look at the pictures and clips.
Christmas party fun in Inventors.
Merry Christmas everyone 🎄
Dinner with the elf
This week we combined out science knowledge on electricity with our DT skills to create a light up Christmas card. We used LED lights, a cell and copper tape.
A fun packed week starting with the Christmas activities and getting Christmas fair ready. We have started to make exciting games for the stalls. Inventors game involves bouncy snowmen and Santas.
We had a fantastic trip out to the Gita Bhavan Hindu Temple this week. We learnt lots about the Hindu faith and got to study the wonderful deities in real life. It was amazing being able to immerse ourselves another religion.
An exciting week for the Inventors. It all started with a volcanic eruption on the school field which we had to think fast to plan our escape. We ended with our class assembly all about the past history including Romans, Vikings, and Anglo-Saxons.
This week Inventors have taken the role of our class meerkat Sunny and written some fantastic letters to us mere humans on what life is like as a meerkat.
As part of our science we have been asked to investigate materials that would be the best conductor for a soldier to use to fix a broken circuit in his equipment. This is what we discovered.
In art we have been creating our own collective masterpieces in the style of Hans Holbein. We used a portrait of Henry VIII and each drew a small section before painting it. When our pieces were put back together it created the original portrait.
This week we have started gymnastics in P.E. and looking at different balances.
This week we had a visit from Sunny the meerkat. He came to tell Inventors all about his travels and journey to find the perfect place to live! Inventors have made him feel very welcome (even taking him for a play with them and sharing their dinners). They have learnt a lot about him. I wonder what his next adventures will be 🤔
Continuing with exploring electrical circuits we tested different materials to see which will conduct and which will insulate.
We are very lucky this term as Mr Genty from Rochdale music service is teaching us how to play the boomwhackers. We have been having fun learning to play chords and a melody to the songs ‘You are my sunshine’ and ‘The banana boat song’.
A fun afternoon exploring circuits and using different components to see what happens. It was a very noisy day.
This week inventors have been busy. We’ve been practising our footwork and passing skills in netball, using rounding hills to perfect our rounding to the nearest 10,100, 1000 and even 10,000 and exploring circuits in DT with copper tape, LEDs and button cells.
We’ve had another busy week filled with lots of learning starting with science where we looked at common household appliances and sorting them into electrical and non electrical. In maths we’ve continued with place value and exploring numbers this time looking at how we can compare and order as well as playing race to zero game to explore negative numbers. Finally, in art we recreated our own interpretation of the Mona Lisa using homemade tempera paints. To make our paints we used the yolk of an egg and mixed it with powered chalk. They look amazing! I think you’ll agree 😊
What a fantastic first full week we have had. This week we have been using drama to help write our recounts for our new text The Warhorse, playing maths games to help with our place value and finished the week off with some amazing artwork inspired by the renaissance period. Well done Inventors.
A fantastic start to the new academic year. Inventors have worked hard creating some amazing work for our school and class displays. Take a look at out beautiful hall display based on our well-being book ‘under the love umbrella’. The children created their own love umbrella with for the people they love dearly. We have also created a reading display full of blurbs for our favourite books. And our growth mindset display looks superb with our bright sunflowers with words of positivity, happiness and joy.
This half term we will be learning about Sikhism. We have explored artefacts, been learning main beliefs, the importance of fellowships and the 5 K’s which are symbolic clothing worn once baptised to become part of the Khalsa community.
This half term our topic is salvation and investigating the question ‘What did Jesus do to save human beings?’ We have looked at artwork showing the events of Easter week and worked together to order them into the correct timeline. We then recreated freeze frames of the events after reading a little more about them and discussing what we thought about what was happening, feelings experienced and how this links to salvation through Jesus.
This half term we have been learning about the genre of rock music. We have listened to different types of rock music and our focus has been to learn to sing and play instruments to Bon Jovi’s Livin’ on a prayer. Most of us have really enjoyed this genre of music as you can tell on the video, scan the QR code to watch our performance. Others have not enjoyed this style of music as much as others and have been thinking about musical vocabulary to explain why this is.
Hello everyone! My name is Miss Dean and I am the new Inventors teacher. I am sorry for the delay of updates (due to technical issues). I can’t wait to show you what we’ve been doing so far this half term.
Inventors completed their model playhouses this week using the folds and joins we have learnt in out DT
lessons. They all did a fantastic job creating some amazing designs.