Autumn 1
10.9.2024 - No.12 Have fun with sticks
This week we split into teams to have a competition to make the tallest tower using only sticks and string. There was some fantastic ideas from the children and each tower was made in a different way.
Summer 2
17th July 2024
Today Tom and Dave came to visit us and teach us some basic first aid. They set up a space craft crash scenario and the children had to rescue casualties from difficult places, apply bandages to each other, create a stretcher to carry them to safety and then give CPR. They had an amazing time and hopefully will be prepared should they ever find themselves in a real life scenario that requires first aid.
26th June 2024
This week year 5 and 6 were out visiting another school and Year 4 were keen to complete the ‘dead hedge’ we started for our Junior Forester Award. They have done a great job and it is starting to take shape.
19th June 2024
This week it was sports week and so we all had a go at some Forest School sports. First we threw wellies to see who could throw them the furthest. Next we had a horse race where we made long sticks into our horses and raced them down the track galloping along. Finally Year 6 did a tarpaulin race where they had to drag a member of their team along the race trac, swap people at the other end and race back again. We all enjoyed ourselves a lot and wanted to keep going with the horse racing!
12th June 2024
KS2 have been continuing with their Young Foresters Award this week by making a ‘dead hedge’ around an area of our site that they identified as suitable for setting aside for wildlife. They had lots of fun setting the foundations and then filling in the space with twigs and branches.
5th June 2024
Continuing with our Young Foresters Award we looked around our site to find a good spot that we could leave wild and add a dead hedge in front of to protect it. We identified 2 areas that would be good for this and made plans for any materials and branches that may need moving as part of this and where it will go. We thought that our area inside the willow fencing might make a good mindfulness area and started to plan the things we might put in there to help make it a calm and relaxing space as it is quite empty at the moment.
Summer 1
22nd May 2024
Today we made seed bombs with seeds for flowers that will encourage. bees into a garden. these are to give to local residents as a random act of kindness and to help people understand how important bees are to the environment.
15th May 2024
This week Inventors found the tree they made a story about last week and made a fact file on it, finding out what tree it was and indicating any wildlife and mini beasts they found.
8th May 2024
Today as part of our Junior Forester Award, Inventors had to team up and locate a tree using a small cutting. They were not told what the tree was called and had to come up with their own name for the tree and a folk tale to tell about it. We then learned the real name of the tree.
1st May 2024
Today Inventors started the first session of the Royal Forestry Society’s Junior Forester Award. They will learn all the skills they need to be a Junior Forester over the coming weeks and today they started by identifying the risks in our outdoor area and what we could do to minimise them in a balanced way. The children were quite aware of the risks and gave sensible suggestions of ways to ensure the risk was as low as possible.
17th April 2024
Today Inventors had a go at planning and making games using natural materials. We had some familiar games such as a version of noughts and crosses and some interesting inventions with well thought through rules. Some were board games and some were playground games. The children enjoyed sharing what they had come up with.
Spring 2
20th March 2024
We have found quite a few rabbit skulls round our grounds recently. The children were very knowledgeable about Myxomatosis and that this was the cause of the rabbit skeletons we had seen. We talked about how they get like this very quickly due to other animals, birds and insects eating the carcass. We looked at the anatomy of the rabbits and labelled the parts on our diagrams.
6th March 2024
Today we got to use our new benches that have been installed after our fundraising at Christmas. We learned about the Green Man who was originally a pagan symbol but was taken into Christianity to represent nature and tried to create our own version with clay on the trees around our site.
28th February 2024
Today we did some team building work with a technique called Nordic ‘slinging’ (or braiding). The children added weights to the end of lengths of yarn and swung them towards each other in a rhythmic pattern to make a beautiful patterned cord. Unfortunately due to IT maintenance we were unable to take any photographs.
Spring 1
Today we finally managed to carry out the Big Schools Birdwatch! We spotted some common birds such as pigeons, sparrows, robins and various finches. We saw a wedge of geese go over and we also spotted a bird of prey on the telephone wire which makes a regular appearance while we are at Forest School and we think it is a Kestrel. As we were watching out we also saw lapwings which are on the red conservation list as a threatened species!
We had intended to carry out the Big Schools Birdwatch today, however 39mph winds meant that it wasn’t really Birding weather. We decided to utilise the time by doing a survey of our grounds using the ‘Homes for Nature Scorecard’ from the RSPB to make sure we had the best things available and what we could add to improve. We found we had most of the things on the list and scored very highly thanks to the work of Miss Stanley and Mrs Abbott. We need to add a beetle bucket to score 100%.
Today we made bird feeders melting fat on the fire and pouring it into moulds and adding bird seed. We are trying to encourage the birds to come ready for our RSPB big bird count next week.
10th January 2024
Today Hetty Hedgehog came to us telling us that her home had been destroyed in the recent storms and asked that the children make her a new one. We had a think about the sort of things she might need in a home. The children told Mrs Powell that Hetty should be hibernating and that she is nocturnal and should not be out during the day. They said that she would need a safe and secure home that was insulated, waterproof and windproof.
We also looked at a skull of a rabbit from a skeleton that year 6 found on the field. The children were fascinated to see what it looked like.
Autumn 2
1st November 2023
Today Inventors could choose between making an autumn wreath, a bauble or use a wooden spoon to make a character all with found autumnal materials or an autumn scavenger hunt where they had to go around our site and find signs of autumn. They made some really lovely items and had a great time doing it and some children found lots of things on the scavenger list to indicate that autumn has definitely arrived.
Autumn 1
18th October 2023
We made some 5 pointed stars by tying 5 sticks together. The children added their own flare with coloured wool. Some children had a go at making trees in the same way.
11th October 2023
It was a wet drizzly day today. We stayed in the outdoor classroom and had a go at painting conkers, making acorn buddies and conker comets. We then got to race them on the MUGA.
4th October 2023
Inventors made a low ridge line shelter today. We had one piece of paracord, 4 tent pegs and a tarpaulin per group and used all the knots we had learned so far to put it together.
27th September 2023
Inventors had requested that we get out the storm shelter this week as we discussed what it was in the previous session. We talked about what to do in a situation where someone has hypothermia and how the storm shelter would help, then we had a go at using the storm shelter for ourselves. The children said it got warm in the shelter very quickly and how good it would be if someone was extremely cold.
20th September 2023
It was a very windy day today and so we decided not to risk falling branches and did some research inside for how we can improve our Forest School site. Some of us researched different trees we have in our Forest School area and made a fact file about them and some of us looked at different structures we could build to assist our learning such as a workshop for making things.
13th September 2023
For our first Forest School session we discussed all the things that we would like to do in the coming year and how we could improve our site as a class. We played one of our favourite games 'Wizards, Giants and Dwarves'
2022 - 2023
2021 - 2022