Spring 2
This half term we have been looking at our science topic about trees and plants.
23.3.2022 It was a very wet day today, we managed to plant some sunflowers which we could grow on the windowsill in the classroom.
16.3.2022 We learnt about the different parts of a flower today identifying the flowers, stem, leaves etc.
9.3.2022 Today we have been looking at all the different trees in our Forest School area. We can already tell you the features of a Silver Birch Tree as we use this as our 'listening tree' on our way to the log circle. We learned the features of a cherry tree and looked how it was different from our listening tree.
Spring 1
This half term at Forest School Explorers are looking at the different flora and fauna we can find in the school grounds and we will be completing the big bird count for RSPB.
9 - 16.2.2022: We have got a brand new bat roost in school and we have been learning all about what we need to do to attract them to our school site. We read a book called Amara and the Bats which told us the story of a girl called Amara who loved bats but when she moves to a new town finds there are no bats near where she lives and she sets out to see what she can do to help. In this story we learned all the things we needed to know to get the bats to come to our school. We have learned about lots of different types of bats and that some are herbivores, some are carnivores, some are insectivores and some even are pollinators just like the bees. We made seed bombs that we can dry out then throw into the flower beds along the path that contain seeds that will attract the kinds of insects and moths that bats in the UK eat. We also made some little bats of our own using paper and sticks.
2.2.2022: We finished off our bug house today and looked to see if we could find any birds.
19.1.22: Today in explorers we have been thinking about the different birds we can name and if they are native to the UK. The children gave lots of good suggestions. We talked about the different things birds eat. We read a story about migration and talked about how we might see the same birds in different parts of the world at different times. We also met Maggie Magpie who will be joining us in Forest School for the next few weeks while we learn all about birds.
12.1.22: We used binoculars to look for birds and were digging in the soil to find minibeasts. Some of the children made nature bracelets using found natural materials.