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Watch Our World

Well done to our WOW group who presented and helped with two eco activities at Rochdale Synod today! They shared the results of the plastic survey, performed their Rich Diversity song, shared a PowerPoint and showed their posters which will go up in their schools and churches.

WOW group met at Milnrow Parish to continue their discussions around recycling. They created posters to be handed out to the churches across Rochdale to encourage them to recycle and not use single use plastics. They will share their thoughts with Rochdale Synod next week!

Here are the Eco Christmas Crafts/decorations created by the three WOW schools. Why not have a go at making them! They will be sent to all the churches in the Rochdale Deanery to encourage them to be eco friendly at Christmas!

Wow group came together today at St. John’s to finalise the plastic audits for the churches in Rochdale as well as making plans for creating instructions for how to make natural and recycled Christmas decorations to send out to churches. Watch this space!

Our WOW team met today at St Peter’s CE for a wonderful service and blessing from Bishop Mark. It was wonderful to welcome Milnrow Parish to the team. The children have lots of plans for the year ahead support churches and schools on their eco journeys. Watch this space!

WOW group met today with a focus on plastic. The children know the negative affect plastic is having on our world and and oceans. They created a questionnaire to send to church’s about their plastic use and made wonderful fish weaving prayers. We all need to do something to help!

Our WOW group have lots of plans of how they are going to create an Eco Garden at St. John’s Church. Let us know if you have anything you can donate for a bug hotel!

WEW met for the first time in 2023 and the children enjoyed sharing their joy jars. They voted on a change of name from World Eyed Web (WEW) to Watch Our World (WOW) which we will soon get used to. Each school presented their Eco Church Projects and created a bird feeder.

World Eyed Web met today at St. John’s. The focus was on wildlife and they came up with lots of ideas to raise awareness about protecting animals as well as identifying ways their churches could help the wildlife thrive. They also voted on their new logo which we will share with you very soon.

A wonderful second World Eyed Web meeting chaired by All Souls. The children contributed to discussions brilliantly and enjoyed designing a logo. We will adapt it to combine the children’s ideas. The next meeting will focus on actions for our churches focusing on wildlife.

We experienced a wonderful Rogation Sunday service at St Chad’s Parish to launch of World Eyed Web. The council, drawn from 3 schools in Rochdale Deanery will challenge the Deanery synod & beyond about care for the world, our common home.

Meet the World Eye Web team who will be working hard to ensure the churches linked to their schools become carbon neutral. St. John’s, All Soul’s and St. Peter’s CE enjoyed meeting each other today, eating afternoon tea and exploring St. Peter’s school grounds.

Say hello to our two children who were voted in by the whole school to be our World Eye Web leaders to work with two other church schools in Rochdale to focus on how our churches can become carbon neutral. Well done girls I bet you can’t wait to meet the other representatives!

Over the next few weeks the builders will be setting up the site ready for the new build to commence. Please have a look at the plans by clicking on the About Us tab on this website or coming into school to see the large plans on display! We are so exciting about the new facilities we will have!