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Leavers' Disco 2019

We had a wonderful time at the Leavers Disco 2019. It all started with our year 6 children walking down the red carpet before being escorted into the VIP area for mocktails and nibbles. The stalls opened whilst the music played and the children bought pocket money toys as well as having face paint, glitter hair and fake tatoo's. There was lots of dancing before the sashes were presented to each year 6 child which likened them to a Little Miss or Mr Man character. Thank you to the PTFA for  
The builders are busy setting up the site. They are putting paths in place and creating a temporary playground for use during the build. Please have a look at the plans by clicking on the About Us tab on this website or coming into school to see the large plans on display! We are so excited about the new facilities we will have!