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Mrs Hunter reads Silly Billy by Anthony Browne


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Billy's a bit of a worrier. He worries about so many things, like hats and rain and clouds and giant birds, that it keeps him awake at night. One night Billy stays at his Grandma's and tells her about being worried. She has the ideal solution – a set of worry dolls who will do Billy's worrying for him while he sleeps.

Billy is thrilled and sleeps like a log but soon starts to worry about the worry dolls having so many worries! This time, however, he doesn't need anyone else's help but uses his own resourcefulness to overcome his problem.
Over the next few weeks the builders will be setting up the site ready for the new build to commence. Please have a look at the plans by clicking on the About Us tab on this website or coming into school to see the large plans on display! We are so exciting about the new facilities we will have!