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Pumpkin Decorating Competition 2021

Well done to all the children who entered our Pumpkin Decorating Competition. We had some amazing & creative designs and it was so hard to choose winners. The PTFA raised £84.00 towards the new Library Fund.


Thank you for your support.


Our winners are:

Reception: Noah (Burger)

Year 1: Elodie(Cinderella’s carriage)

Year 2: Jasmine (Ice Cream sundae)

Year 3: Lilly (Unicorn)

Year 4: Molly (Fruit Bowl)

Year 5: Lexie (Dreams)

Year 6: Lissy (Spa Day)

The builders are busy setting up the site. They are putting paths in place and creating a temporary playground for use during the build. Please have a look at the plans by clicking on the About Us tab on this website or coming into school to see the large plans on display! We are so excited about the new facilities we will have!