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Look what we have been doing in Forest School

Click on the class link to see what we have been doing this term.

Forest School is not about doing activities outdoors or “playing in the woods” but a whole way of thinking and being. To the outside observer it looks like it is about playing outside just getting muddy but the heart of the Forest School way is the “why?”, “what for?”, “what can we learn from this?” and not really the “what?”.


There are 6 basic principles to Forest School which can be found in detail on the FSA website but as a brief outline Forest School should involve the same group of children, regularly visiting the same space (at least every other week), ideally within a Woodland setting (though this is not compulsory) over a long time period (minimum of 6 weeks) and with a high ratio of adults to children. It is a place where all participants are viewed equal and encouraged to experience and explore. It is a 'learner centred approach' run by qualified leaders that is there to compliment the wider learning of the individual by increasing confidence, independence and self-esteem through regular experiences and play in the natural environment.


Our Forest School Leaders are:

Mrs Powell - L3 Forest School Practitioner


For more information and our Forest School policies visit the Forest School page in the curriculum area under Key Information on this website.



Forest School Archives

Explorers at Forest School

Autumn Term

This half term in Forest School, Explorers have been learning all about how to be safe in the fire circle. We have been settling in to our second Forest School area which Mrs Williams has created with the Adventurers class and we have loved being able to use this space. We have been playing our favourite game "Squirrels Scamper" and have had "sicky elbows and sticky toes" (ask your child about this I'm sure they would love to show you!). We have made fashions for elves and fairies, crowns from found materials as well as learning all about our "listening tree", what type of tree it is and how we can identify it and then sharing with Sammy Squirrel all the things we could hear while we were there.

We have been learning to follow instructions and because we have been doing so well we have had the tools out this week. Some of the children were able to make some Christmas decorations sawing their own tree cookies, drilling the holes and then decorating them using felt pens. 

Discoverers at Forest School

Autumn Term

This half term Discoverers have learnt about different polar regions, making holiday homes for small animals and fairies and explaining the answer to the question "Do polar bears eat penguins?". The children loved learning to play the African drums and so we did our own orchestra clapping the beat of our names all at the same time. We have been practicing how to be safe in the fire circle ready for lighting our fire in the cold weather and this week some of us started making reindeer decorations by sawing and drilling branches while others learned more about the fire triangle playing our new game Feed the Fire. 

Clapping Orchestra

Still image for this video
Here is the sound we made when we clapped our names after reading our book On a Magical Do Nothing Day, where it talked about the sound of the rain.

Inventors and Adventurers at Forest School

Inventors Spring Term

Adventurers Spring

Adventurers and Inventors have been learning how to make a fire.

Adventurers had a fire and made flat bread to cook on it

Making rainbows with leaves in mud

We payed a game called Den, Fire, Bush

This Term in forest school will be learning about fire. The children will look at the fire triangle and how it relates to making a fire. They will learn how to use a flint and steel to ignite their fire. So far the children have looked at the different types of wood they can use and how to grade it from small pin like pieces to larger sticks using dead wood fallen on the ground. Finally we will have a camp fire where they will make and cook flat bread.

Inventors made an animal print trap and designed their own mini bugs then made them in clay.

Adventurers made animal print traps to see if we can find out what animals use our school grounds

Inventors looking for signs of animal activity in the school grounds

Signs of animal activity in the Forest School area

Looking at nature in our Forest School area

Explorers at Forest School 29.9.2021




Year 4 in their shelter

Camp fire for our year 6

Discoverers 30.6.21

Explorers 30.6.21

Inventors 30.6.21

Inventors 30.6.21

Adventurers 30.6.21

Adventurers 30.6.21

Explorers 9th June

Discoverers June 19th

Inventors June 19th

This week in Forest School June 9th

Explorers and Discoverers have been making fairy houses after the clumsy Troll had knocked their village down. Thank you very much. 


Forest School 19.5.21


Explorers discovered some fairies and made them a home.

Discoverers were remaking fairy houses after the troll had knocked them down.

Inventors built a new fairy village and learned how to filter water.

Adventurers were given a challenge this week in Forest School they had to do a number of activities to gain a letter which spelt out a word.

Hot Chocolate and Relaxing in Our Den 19th January 2021


The children have worked hard making a den big enough to fit some of them inside. This week it got an extension so a few more could safely come in. They were able to enjoy hot chocolate together. 

Fun at the first Forest School session of 2021 -12th January 2021


We had a great time today making the most of the sunshine and having a fantastic Forest School session with lots of den building, a fire to keep warm and a hot chocolate made in the storm kettle. Lots of smiley faces including Mrs Williams and Mrs Powell who have missed being able to do proper Forest School sessions! Missing all the rest of our KS2 children but we are looking forward to welcoming you back ASAP!

Discoverers making friendship bracelets and masks

Autumn activities in Forest School Making Ink with berries and using knives.

We have enjoyed the fire this term. Explorers cooked marshmallows. Inventors cooked chocolate oranges. The children also used the bow saw and bill hook.

Lots of fun in Forest School

Happy Summer! School closes on Tuesday 23rd July and re-opens on Wednesday 4th September! Be on time, school starts at five to nine! Make sure you follow us on Twitter or look at the gallery and Whole School Learning sections of the website under the children's tab to find out about school life at St. John's.