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Look out for STEM Club it will be starting after Christmas.


STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics subjects. 
We began with following ideas from the official STEM website focusing around 'Movies and Magic' and then the children began to request different experiments such as how to make an egg float in water using salt and pushing a skewer through a balloon!


Here are some the things the children like about STEM club:


"We like STEM club because it is very fun and we like to do new things that we haven't done before"
"We love doing Science experiments!"
"STEM club helps us to improve at Science and helps us with our learning in class" 
"We get to do very interesting things" 

"Its fun because we get to try things that we might not be able to do at home or in class and we can work together as a team with other people we might not normally work with" 

Open Day for potential new reception admission 2025 is on Thursday November 7th. Please phone school to confirm if you would like to attend at 10am or 2pm. Make sure you follow us on Twitter or look at the gallery and Whole School Learning sections of the website under the children's tab to find out about school life at St. John's.