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Summer Term

7.7.2023 Tree Mythology 

We discussed that long ago people believed that trees had magical properties and could influence things like love, strength and health. Today we know that some trees do have benefits even if it is as simple as just walking through ‘nature bathing’ but that we can get medicines from many plants which people in the past wouldn’t have known the science behind and put it down to magic. We had a go at making wizard wands, journey sticks and even a cross thinking about the properties that people thought the trees had. We were able to identify all the different trees on our site to pick which properties we would want and decorated them.

24.5.23 Paracord Buddies


We used our knot skills to make little paracord buddies.

Navigation Scavenger Hunt 17.3.23

We used what we remembered from making our compasses to follow the directions on a scavenger hunt to find the answer to a puzzle. We were all given a different starting point and had to follow the directions to the next clue box. 

Edible or Deadible 10.5.23


We have been learning about different plants that you can find in the UK particularly native ones and ones found mostly in the wild and we played the game “Edible or Deadible”. We had to decide if each plant was something that could be eaten or if it would make you unwell. We found that lots of plants can look like something else so it is best to only forage with someone who knows plants really well. Although we decided a blackberry was a safe forage as we could all identify that.

First Aid Training 3.5.23


We have been continuing our survival theme and this week we had very exciting guests. Dave and Tom from Rochdale council First Aid Training team came to teach us some basic first aid skills. We had to rescue a casualty, attend to their wounds, get them stable and return them to safety. We also learned how to do the chest compression part of CPR.

Over the next few weeks the builders will be setting up the site ready for the new build to commence. Please have a look at the plans by clicking on the About Us tab on this website or coming into school to see the large plans on display! We are so exciting about the new facilities we will have!