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Welcome to our Governors’ section 

The St John's Governing Body are responsible for 3 core functions:

1. Setting the strategic direction for the school

2. Holding leaders to account for the educational performance of the school

3. Ensuring financial health and value for money


As governors we have agreed a code of conduct that outlines the principles and procedures of our Governing Board. Governors are responsible for a number of areas including monitoring attainment, finances, policies and procedures. Safeguarding is an important area and governors have a responsibility to ensure that the school policy and procedures are in-line with government and local legislation and guidelines to provide a safe and inclusive environment for all. Their role includes working closely with the Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team to ensure children get the best possible education to enable them to reach their full potential in a safe environment. Governors are there to be a critical friend to the school and provide a source of challenge and support. 


The Governing body holds a Business Committee Meeting at least twice per term. These meetings have an alternating focus on resource management and learning and curriculum monitoring. The resource management focus ensures health and safety procedures are up to date and effective, the finanical planning, including Pupil Premium and Sports Premium, for the school is robust and staffing, buildings and resources are available and planned for. The learning and curriculum monitoring focus track the standards pupils achieve, ensuring they attain expected progress where possible. It ensures the School Development Plan is focused on appropriate priorities for raising standards of the school and ensures all pupils are progressing. 


There are other committees that meet when needed such as an Admissions Committee, Headteacher Performance Management Committee, Complaints Committee. 


Governors also volunteer to be class link and subject link governors. Class link governors reach out to the class teacher 1-2 times per academic year to discuss pupil progress, and resources that may be needed, etc. Subject link governors reach out to the subject lead staff member 1-2 times per academic year and discuss the curriculum plans for the subject, resources that may be needed, pupil progress, ideas and plans for future curriculum topics etc. 


Health and Safety is discussed as part of the resource management focus in alternate Business Committee Meetings. There are 3 H&S link governors who inspect the school intermittently throughout the academic year and ensure any problems are resolved as quickly as possible. They also work with the Headteacher to ensure policies and procedures are up to date, equipment is safe and checked regularly and fire assessments are completed as required by law. 


St John’s Primary School is a Church of England school and has Christian values which are at the heart of all our decision making and we are always mindful of our responsibility to maintain and develop the ethos and reputation of our school.




Governor Data

Governor Specific Policies

Full Governing Board Meeting Minutes 2019/20

Happy Summer! School closes on Tuesday 23rd July and re-opens on Wednesday 4th September! Be on time, school starts at five to nine! Make sure you follow us on Twitter or look at the gallery and Whole School Learning sections of the website under the children's tab to find out about school life at St. John's.