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St John's Thornham is part of the Cranmer Education Trust. Formalised cross school governance arrangements can help with efficiencies, with ultimate accountability held by the Trust Boards and corporate and strategic functions being carried out centrally, leaving local governing boards free to focus on pupil progress and attainment for their schools. 


The Trust Board has established Local Committees for each of the Academies for the most part made up of individuals drawn from the Academy's community. Local Committee Members serving on Local Committees are accountable to the Trust Board as well as the communities they serve. Whilst not trustees under charity law, the Local Committee Members are under a duty to act in good faith and in the interests of the Academy and the Trust. 


St John's Thornham Local Committee Members:

  • Dr J Sharp (Trust Appointed Governor: Chair)
  • Mrs D Garrity (Trust Appointed Governor: Co-Vice Chair)
  • Mrs R Green (Trust Appointed Governor: Co-Vice Chair)
  • Mrs R Hunter (Headteacher)
  • Miss H Callaghan (Staff Governor)
  • Mrs J Abbott (Trust Appointed Governor)
  • Mrs C Almond (Trust Appointed Governor)
  • Mr M Collinge (Trust Appointed Governor)
  • Rev. A Bailie (Trust Appointed Governor)
  • Mrs S Miller (Parent Governor)

Collecting and publishing governing board diversity data


Diversity is important and we want our Trustees and our Local Governing Committees to be increasingly reflective of the communities they serve. The Trust is in the process of working through GovernorHub's facility to see if it is possible to collate Trustee's and Local Governing Board Member's information. The return will be voluntary, and they can opt out of sharing their information, including protected characteristics, at any given time including after publication. To ensure that individuals cannot be identified through the publication of data, anonymous data will only be published in an appropriate format based on the number of optional returns. The current legal advice is that the safest way to protect data subjects and special category data, meeting the UK GDPR standard, would be to publish information that does not amount to 'personal' because it is anonymous, and therefore data protection principles do not apply. 


Local Committee Members can be contacted via the Clerk by clicking on the link below:

Over the next few weeks the builders will be setting up the site ready for the new build to commence. Please have a look at the plans by clicking on the About Us tab on this website or coming into school to see the large plans on display! We are so exciting about the new facilities we will have!