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ETHOS group

Our school Ethos Group strengthens our school Christian Distinctiveness and 

work to 

  • Promote children and adults living out the school values
  • Plan and lead charity work- local and national
  • Deliver random Acts of Kindness in the Community


The group members are-











This week the Ethos group have been designing posters to promote the Reindeer Run that will be doing to support the Springhill Hospice on Friday 8th December.

We have been working together to create to advertise our event and raise the most money possible and raise awareness.

Last week we focused on mental health and GIFT group decided they wanted to raise money for MIND. Paula from MIND held a special assembly and asked the children to discuss how they would like the £55.00 raised to be used.

GIFT group wanted to do another act of kindness, a special GIFT to our local community. They asked the whole school to save glass jars, created posters and asked Miss Robertson to put them through the dishwasher. Year 6 were tasked with decorating the jars and creating labels and GIFT group worked together to make 80 mini mince pies to go into the jars.

Our GIFT group met today to discuss which charity school will be supporting over Christmas, they have been tasked to create a prayer that they can say at each meeting and they are going to design a logo for the group.

GIFT group have been busy creating logo designs and as they are so wonderful they are going to try to combine different aspects from each into one. Look out for the final design. They have also been planning how they will support MIND charity and Middleton Lighthouse project.

In their first meeting they thought about their work and what they want to achieve

Gift Group members 2021-2022 from Years 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.


Our GIFT group-











The blogs below show the work of the GIFT group from 2021-2022

GIFT group have written bubble wrap worry prayers toady. They have been thinking about any worries or concerns that they might have or others might have. They pop a bubble and send their worry to God.

The leadership team along with their Chaplin from St. Anne's Academy came to share their 40 acts of kindness with us for lent. Our GIFT team welcomed them into school and will share the posters with each class explaining the challenges and spreading kindness around our community.

GIFT group have been very busy over the last half term planning which charities we will be supporting and different ways to spread kindness. Look our for their Red Nose Day posters around school and their special happiness jars with notes to make people smile. They will be busy making more to share with our community.

Well done to our school for your kind toy donations to the GIFT group appeal to support The Lighthouse Project Christmas toy Appeal. Well done to GIFT group for your fabulous posters and to Mrs. Abbott for taking them to the projects headquarters!

GIFT group have been busy filling the advent stockings with little slips containing acts of kindness. They will be hung on the tree and shared with the school during Collective Worship as we count down to Christmas.

What an amazing Autumn display you have created with wonderful Autumn poems, Harvest prayers and posters for our festival encouraging people to donate food to the food bank!

Our GIFT group met today to decide on which heart they would like to present to the class with the most heart pegs for their weekly kindness challenge. Light blue it is! They are busy making Harvest posters for our Harvest assembly! Could you donate food to the local food bank?

Our GIFT group have been looking after our school grounds today. They have picked up litter that has blown into our playground. Great work everyone you have shown that you care about our local environment and the world around us!

GIFT group with the support of year 6 children have been busy creating cheer up jars full of messages to make people smile. We want to make lots more before we start to gift them to our community. Please save and send in any small empty jars you have.


Happy Summer! School closes on Tuesday 23rd July and re-opens on Wednesday 4th September! Be on time, school starts at five to nine! Make sure you follow us on Twitter or look at the gallery and Whole School Learning sections of the website under the children's tab to find out about school life at St. John's.