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Summer 2

17th July 2024


Discoverers chose what they wanted to do today and they decided to create fairy houses. They had lots of fun finding things to build them and adding in details like swimming pools and gardens.

3rd July 2024


We looked for ‘treasures’ in our Forest School area and made bracelets using what we found.

26th June 2024


This week we made boats using corks, cocktail sticks and our favourite found leaf as a sail and we raced them to see which leaves made the best sails.

19th June 2024


This week it was sports week and so we all had a go at some Forest School sports. First we threw wellies to see who could throw them the furthest. Next we had a horse race where we made long sticks into our horses and raced them down the track galloping along. Finally Year 6 did a tarpaulin race where they had to drag a member of their team along the race trac, swap people at the other end and race back again. We all enjoyed ourselves a lot and wanted to keep going with the horse racing!

5th June 2024


Today Discoverers created their own habitats for insects and small wild animals using found natural materials.

Summer 1

22nd May 2024


Today we made pop-up bee books to celebrate Bee Week. We put in all the facts that we have learned about bees so far. There were lots of very interesting facts and the books looked amazing with the bee popping out of the middle.

15th May 2024


Today Discoverers investigated different habitats within our site and had a go at making a little lift the flap book showing the habitats and what we found there.

8th May 2024

Today Discoverers made journey sticks by finding a stick, going on a journey around the grounds and adding found treasures to the stick as they went to remind them of where they had been. Afterwards we shared our journey with each other.

1st May 2024

Today Discoverers children when around our outdoor area trying to find insect habitats and what might lurk in them. They found lots of wonderful critters.

24th April 2024


Today we read a story that Mrs Abbott had given to us about hedgehogs. We remembered lots of information that Sue and Sally told us last week and could even remember that a hedgehogs nest is a hibernaculum! We played a game of 'Worm, Worm, Hedgehog!'

17th April 2024


Today we had a visit from Sue and Sally from Hog Manor who came to talk to us about the hedgehogs they rescue. They showed us how to make a hibernaculum from natural materials and showed us a real life hedgehog spine that we felt to see how sharp it was. 

Spring 2

6th March 2024


Today Discoverers told tales about the cardigan monster that lives under the tree house and we used our ‘belief binoculars’ to find it. We shared tales around the fire circle and played a new game called ‘pop’ which involves naming different native flora and fauna.

28th February 2024

This week we learnt about how important bees are to the environment and made our own little bees using Alder seeds, yellow thread and tissue paper for the wings.

Spring 1

7th February 2024


Today the weather was finally good enough to carry out the Big Schools Birdwatch. We found a quiet spot around our site and counted all the birds we saw. We even saw a lapwing which is on the conservation list as a threatened species.

24th January 2024


We had intended to carry out the Big Schools Birdwatch today, however 39mph winds meant that it wasn’t really Birding weather. We decided to utilise the time by refilling our bird feeders and we played a new game called ‘Roosting Starlings’.

17th January 2024


Today we made bird feeders spreading fat onto empty toilet roll tubes and rolling them in bird seed. We are trying to encourage the birds to come ready for our RSPB big bird count next week.

10th January 2024


Today Hetty Hedgehog came to us telling us that her home had been destroyed in the recent storms and asked that the children make her a new one. We had a think about the sort of things she might need in a home. The children told Mrs Powell that Hetty should be hibernating and that she is nocturnal and should not be out during the day. They said that she would need a safe and secure home that was insulated, waterproof and windproof.

We also looked at a skull of a rabbit from a skeleton that year 6 found on the field. The children were fascinated to see what it looked like. 

Autumn 2

1st November 2023

Discoverers were able to choose from making a wreath or making clothes for a peg doll using found natural materials. They produced some really lovely items and some great looking characters.

Autumn 1

18th October 2023


We read the story Leaf Man and went off to see if we could find our own Leaf Man. Some children made a self portrait using things they found around our school site.

11th October 2023


It was a wet drizzly day today. We stayed in the hall and made conker comets using our found conkers and crepe paper streamers. Then we raced them to see who could get them to go the farthest.

Slow motion video of our conker comets in action.

Still image for this video

4th October 2023


Discoverers ground down “stones” to make Stoneage paints today and created their own cave paintings using what they had created. They used straws to blow the paint over their hands and used their fingers and hands to make other marks.

27th September 2023


We made flipper flappers today that spin in the wind. The children loved making them spin as they ran around the field.

20th September 2023

Discoverers went to Hopwood woods as part of their learning on the Stoneage. See the class page for more information on what they got up to.

13th September 2023

For our first Forest School session we reviewed the Forest School rules and played our favourite Forest School game 'Squirrels Scamper'. We also sang a new Forest School song.





Happy Summer! School closes on Tuesday 23rd July and re-opens on Wednesday 4th September! Be on time, school starts at five to nine! Make sure you follow us on Twitter or look at the gallery and Whole School Learning sections of the website under the children's tab to find out about school life at St. John's.