St. John's aims to support children who may have long term medical conditions and will ensure the following-
Children who have been off school due to a short term illness which requires antibiotics can attend school once well enough. If they are prescribed antibiotics 2-3 times a day then parents/carers should manage this at home.
The school will only accept:
→ Medicines prescribed by a medical practitioner
→ Medicines that are in date
→ Medicines that need to be administered in excess of 3 times per day: If your child is prescribed medicine, such as antibiotics, by their GP then three daily doses should be administered - before school, after school and in the evening – there is no need for these medicines to be brought to into school. If taking anti-biotics, please ensure that your child is well enough to be at school. Only in exceptional circumstances will medicines be administered by school staff.
→ Medicines in their original container, as dispensed by a pharmacist
→ Containers with labelling identifying the child by name and with original instructions for administration, dosage and storage
The school will not accept or administer:
→ Medicines that are to be administered 3 times per day (unless the child is attending after school club and will not return home immediately after 3:30pm, or attending a residential visit)
→ Piriton
→ Paracetamol eg Calpol, or aspirin.