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Administering Medicines Policy and form

St. John's aims to support children who may have long term medical conditions and will ensure the following-


  • Pupils at school with medial conditions will be properly supported so that they can have full access to education, including school trips and physical education.  


  • The governors will ensure that arrangements are in place in schools to support pupils at school with medical conditions. 


  • The governors ensure that school leaders consult health and social care professionals, pupils and parents to ensure that the needs of children with medical conditions are effectively supported.  


Children who have been off school due to a short term illness which requires antibiotics can attend school once well enough. If they are prescribed antibiotics 2-3 times a day then parents/carers should manage this at home. 

 The school will only accept: 
 → Medicines prescribed by a medical practitioner 
 → Medicines that are in date  
→ Medicines that need to be administered in excess of 3 times per day:  If your child is prescribed medicine, such as antibiotics, by their GP then three daily doses should be administered - before school, after school and in the evening – there is no need for these medicines to be brought to into school. If taking anti-biotics, please ensure that your child is well enough to be at school. Only in exceptional circumstances will medicines be administered by school staff.   

→ Medicines in their original container, as dispensed by a pharmacist  
→ Containers with labelling identifying the child by name and with original instructions for administration, dosage and storage 
 The school will not accept or administer:  
→ Medicines that are to be administered 3 times per day (unless the child is attending after school club and will not return home immediately after 3:30pm, or attending a residential visit)  
→ Piriton  
→ Paracetamol eg Calpol, or aspirin. 

Administering Medicines Policy

Form to be completed if antibiotics have been prescribed 4 times daily

Open Day for potential new reception admission 2025 is on Thursday November 7th. Please phone school to confirm if you would like to attend at 10am or 2pm. Make sure you follow us on Twitter or look at the gallery and Whole School Learning sections of the website under the children's tab to find out about school life at St. John's.