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Lunchtime and After school activity clubs

Lunch and After school activity clubs

Getting involved in activities after school is a great way for children to try new things, developing new friendships and growing in confidence. At St. John's we want children to develop skills and understanding across a range of subject areas, working with children across school who share similar interests whilst improving their social skills. 


We want our St. John's children to be sociable, confident and smart!


Mixing with existing friends in a new environment helps children learn to share and appreciate each other’s talents and abilities.

HOW? By about six or seven, children start to see the value in working with other children to achieve something they want. Even if that’s just working as a team to score more goals than the opposition in a game of football!


Engaging with new friends and being in a productive environment helps strengthen confidence and independence.

HOW? When they all have something in common (a passion for gymnastics, art, outdoor crafts), children have a head-start on forming new friendships. Getting to know children outside their existing group encourages their sense of independence.

Developing and succeeding in new activities helps build character and enhance strong leadership skills.

HOW? As children play or work together outside the classroom setting they start to improvise what they need to do to make a task or game work. By talking to each other they learn to support and share their own ideas to help and guide others.


After-school activities can play a huge part in supporting academic learning.

HOW? If your child is learning something new this can often directly or indirectly boost their interest and understanding of a school subject. It could be that playing an instrument helps them understand music lessons, or simply that a love of tree climbing and star-gazing makes them appreciate science classes.


Realising they’re good at something boosts a child’s enthusiasm and confidence in the classroom.

HOW? Even if an after-school activity is not directly related to classwork, it can give your child a renewed enthusiasm for a subject in more subtle ways. Discovering that they have a talent for or just enjoy performing in a drama club, for example, can do wonders for confidence in speaking up in class, or could inspire their creative writing.


Have a look at the different after school clubs staff and outside providers have led in our school.

Over the next few weeks the builders will be setting up the site ready for the new build to commence. Please have a look at the plans by clicking on the About Us tab on this website or coming into school to see the large plans on display! We are so exciting about the new facilities we will have!